Thursday, May 27, 2010

Time To Build An Altogether New Economic System

The setback experienced by socialism earlier and now capitalism coming crumbling down,no wonder that a new economic order will sooner or later replace the present economic applications and create fresh financial regulations globally.Modern day economics has long past the ripple affects and has gone into a turmoil phase.The profit oriented system had technology revolution acting as turboprop to continuously keep the economies of developed nations in a turgid state.It had consumerism at its core fueling the profit centered growth.
Recent developments in Greece and awaiting futures of European Union nations with high budget deficits is bound to have contagious affects due to extended globalized linkages.Lets examine -how it all generated and further what all led to it's sedimentation.The genesis was incubated with advent of Information Technology which had the basis in virtuals,it thrived and flourished on unreal structures -handling out real profits which it was sucking from giant edifices of technological upheaval-a logical conclusion for industrial augmentation in earlier years.The process went on sucking the wealth out from the system and built products around borrowings.Economists,Banks,Govts.Industries and Leaders all got into this web of virtual world and worked head over heals to extract more and more easy money coming in tons of Dollars,pounds and Euros from non-innovations.Crisis erupted and precipitated down as consumerism -a fall out of today's system,created false incomes
premised on loans,it had a limitation and now it can't be stretched any further after having crossed the threshold -there is no stopping.No one can turn the wheel back,the only available option is :throwing the present economic system into a trash can,dumping it in gutter lanes and evolving a better mechanism to give the inhabitants of this beautiful planet a bountiful life devoid of deprivation.An economic tool which provides for genuine and rational profits,sufficient re-deployment of earnings back for realization of futuristic goals of mankind,along with human touch.Need must overtake greed-which has no end.
A Herculean task indeed but then moon like blunders require nothing less than Earthy solutions.Get technology the pink-slip from its position of a master of
human destiny ,and employ it as an obedient and submissive servant.

Friday, May 14, 2010


At a C.I.I. annual meet the beloved P.C. admits of trust deficit by people,should that be my personal computer or could it be the home-minister of the union govt. of India.Well! whatever may be the case the fact remains neither my P.C. nor my home-minister knows whom they represent and who put them in power.Mr.Chidambram along with his crore-pati parliamentarians need not think of all the virtual Indians who for all practical matters remain non existent and continue to applaud rising stock markets and zooming growth figures.
It reminds of two quite silly instances :on one occasion Mr. Rajiv Gandhi very boldly accepted that every rupee sent or meant for development -only 20 paise reaches the project it was in-tented for,and at another point of time Mr.Atal Behari acknowledged that the prices of onions and potatoes in the market have gone up because of hoarders & black marketeers.
What all these three great men missed or deliberately omitted was:as people in-charge of affairs ,it was they who were actually responsible for the mess.What action they intended and what steps they took to correct the situation.Shastri ,Gandhi or Nehru never sounded stupid the way our modern day economist P.M.or a fair skinned lady as super today.Mr.Chidambram has on record stated that RED-CORRIDOR is a creation of lack of effective government and this slackness is because of absence of govt. institutions in these areas.
Now the pertinent question arises as to who is responsible for such a situation,can the govts, in power for the last sixty years or so not the real culprits.Then what could be the answer :before taking it up,let some more observations by the home minister be taken note of.He has asked the members of confederation to look beyond profit and loss accounts and not to remain content.Is it not asking wolves to look after sheep ,if non state actors are to do this,then what the govt. is suppose to do.ISSUE ADVISORIES AND BE CONTENT.
So where does all this leaves us :to throw away self- serving politicians,to reject the system of governance which breeds corruption and inefficiency.For any such drastic solution -only two visible options are there.One ,use the power of ballot,two-use bullet what the naxals are doing and thereby threatening our democratic foundations.Option has a very weak chance as the majority of the people have been kept ignorant of their rights and duties beside this the plague of corruption has entrapped most of the state machinery hence free and fair elections in true sense are impossible.
A social- scientist perhaps rightly observed that:a govt. is an organ of oppression and repression-it depends class controls it.Therefore why not raise your class consciousness,search and locate your identity to exert your class interests