Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Karl Marx's claim that the working class has the power to change the world is perhaps his most important contribution to socialist theory. Before Marx workers were viewed at best as victims of the system or more typically as a rabble whose existence threatened civilization. Marx challenged these assumptions, arguing that workers' collective struggles for freedom pointed towards a potential socialist alternative to capitalism.
This vision is widely disparaged today. However, critics of Marx often miss their target. This is particularly true of those who reject his model of class from "common sense" or sociological perspectives which tend to equate class with social stratification—the various ways of differentiating people along lines of income, status, occupation or patterns of consumption. What, it is asked, do university-educated teachers, factory workers or low-paid shop workers have in common?
Viewed from the perspective of these and other differences it seems obvious not merely that old patterns of class struggle are less relevant to politics than they once were, but more profoundly that actual patterns of difference are becoming so complex that appeals to class are out of date.
But this tendency to one-sided emphasis differences within the workforce only makes sense if stratification is viewed in isolation from the broader process of exploitation. Marx, by contrast, showed how capitalism's complex process of exploitation creates not only a myriad of differences across the labor force, but also common relations that cut across differences of income, occupation, status, etc. It is these common relations that make a class a class. Marx's model of exploitation does not lead Marxists to dismiss differences within the working class. Rather it points to a material basis for solidarity across these divisions.
Marx's method
Marx's approach to the study of class is best understood historically. He argued that although we can distinguish humans from other animals by all manner of criteria, our ancestors actually distinguished themselves from the natural world through social and purposeful work aimed at transforming nature to meet their needs. Of pivotal importance to this process was the Neolithic Revolution, the moment 9,000 to 10,000 years ago when groups of humans who had until then existed by foraging from nature, broke with ancient patterns of behavior to begin cultivating crops.
By remaking themselves as farmers, humans for the first time had systematically to produce a surplus in order to reproduce their farms over time—for example, to provide for grain reserves to guard against bad harvests. This created a new social problem: who controls the surplus? Classes (along with states and woman's oppression) emerged when minorities—after a very long transitional period—fixed their control over the surplus produced by the rest of society.
Understood from this perspective, class is not a universal characteristic of human history but has a definite historical origin in the emergence of a particular relationship by which one group gained control over the social surplus produced by another.
This approach to the study of class has three great strengths. First, it allowed Marx to phase history by examining the different ways that surpluses are extracted by the ruling class from the producers: for instance the way feudal lords exploit peasants is different to the way capitalists exploit wage laborers, and this results in different forms of social conflict in feudal and capitalist societies.
Second, by pointing to the origins of class this model illuminates the necessary conditions for the abolition of class: whereas class emerged when there was enough surplus to allow an elite to take control but not enough for these benefits to be enjoyed by everyone, the possibility of overcoming class divisions developed when the level of surplus rose to a point where these benefits could be generalized—something Marx showed capitalism had made possible.
Third, by putting the production of a surplus at the core of his model of class, Marx demonstrated the intrinsic relations between the wide variety of roles within the capitalist economy.
Indeed, Marx's conception of capitalist class relations only makes sense in terms of his dynamic model of capital accumulation. Capitalism is a novel and uniquely dynamic mode of production that emerged when the direct producers (the peasantry) were removed from control over the land to become "proletarians", people for whom survival depends on selling their ability to work in the labor market. This shift in social relations was incredibly important because it created the conditions by which capitalism became simultaneously the most dynamic and the most out of control (or "alienated" as Marx called it) social system known to history.
Peasant production
The relative stability of peasant production was rooted in the effective control peasants tended to have over the land: they produced largely for themselves (with a percentage being taken in tax by the lords) supplemented with a small amount of bartering or market exchange.
By contrast, the system based on wage labor is one in which workers are compelled to seek work wherever they may find it. This characteristic of wage labor allows capitalists to redistribute labor (through redundancies in one area coupled with growth elsewhere) from less to more profitable areas. Moreover, because production is for the market, capitalists constantly feel a pressure to innovate. Taken together, these conditions mean that labor will tend to be redistributed to the most efficient producers. Wage labor thus underpins a tendency for the productivity of labor to increase under capitalism.
Though Marx wrote a great deal on the relationship between wage labor and the dynamism of the capitalist system, he never finished the section of Volume Three of Capital in which he began to define class. Nevertheless, he left enough material for us to reconstruct a model of class from his works.
One important attempt to do this was made by Lenin. He defined class as a relationship: workers sell their capacity to work while capitalists buy these abilities. The great strength of this approach was its illumination of similarities between superficially different jobs.
Unfortunately, it is not a wholly satisfactory model. For instance, modern capitalism operates through senior managers who, like workers, often sell their ability to work, but who, unlike workers, are not exploited (indeed they play a key role in the exploitation of others). There are also other groups whose conditions of life overlap both with capitalists above and workers below them—middle managers, certain professionals and so on. These "new middle classes", whose existence reflects the growing complexity of the capitalist labor process, tend to help maintain the exploitation of workers while simultaneously experiencing pressures that partially parallel those felt by these workers.
The most sophisticated attempt to reconstruct Marx's theory of class in relation to the complex and developing social process of exploitation was outlined by Geoffrey de Ste Croix in his magnificent Class Struggles in the Ancient Greek World. He argued that, "Class (essentially a relationship) is the collective social expression of the fact of exploitation, the way in which exploitation is embodied in social structures... A a group of persons in a community identified by their position in the whole system of social production."
Once we think of class in terms of a complex process of exploitation and capitalism as a uniquely dynamic mode of production we can begin to understand how increases in the productivity of labor will lead to constant changes in the structure of the working class.
This has happened, for instance, in manufacturing. Though British manufacturing workers do not have the social weight they once did, increases in the productivity of labor mean that, despite the decline in the number of manufacturing jobs, in 2007 British manufacturing output was at an all-time high.
Not only does this imply that manufacturing workers can become objectively stronger at the same time as their absolute numbers decline, but it also suggests that the introduction of new technologies means that modern workers need very different skills than did their predecessors.
One result of these changes is that modern workers will have a very different level of formal education than did workers in the past. If in the past education was the preserve of the elite, today a formal education (at least to the level of basic literacy and numeracy skills and, for increasing numbers, to university level) is a necessary prerequisite for almost every job. This process has had two consequences.
First, workers are much better educated than ever before: indeed, the majority of modern workers are significantly better educated than were even the bulk of rulers from most of the past, and this helps prepare them to take democratic control over society as a whole.
Second, viewing the education system from the point of view of the capital accumulation process allows us to recognize how educators relate to other workers. Because industry needs educated workers, it needs educators. Moreover, because mass education is (in essence) a process designed to produce the next generation of workers, it is qualitatively different in function from earlier forms of education which focused merely on equipping the elite with the skills and confidence required to rule.
Most teachers today contribute educated workers to the production process, and they do this as wage labors who sell their ability to work like other workers. This creates a life experience that increasingly parallels that of other workers: they are under constant pressure to increase their efficiency by educating more students at less cost.
A similar story could be told of the health and social service systems. Educated workers are (from the point of view of capitalism) an expensive resource, and it would be a waste to allow illness etc to remove them from the labor market. Like the education system, therefore, health and social service systems are best understood as essential to the process of exploitation. Consequently, those nurses, social workers, administrators and so on who work in these areas are best understood as part of the working class because of the role they play in maintaining the capital accumulation process.
This is not to say that the health and education systems can simply be reduced to the needs of capital—it is clear that social movements have put demands on these institutions which have broadened their functions in ways that escape capital's narrow focus on boosting profitability. Nevertheless, because these structures essentially grew in response to the needs of capital, the vast bulk of those who work in them are best understood as part of what Marx called the "collective laborer".
Common interest
By generalizing this perspective we can grasp that despite workers doing innumerable different jobs of different status and at different rates of pay, they are all part of the exploited collective laborer, and they all experience similar pressures to increase their productivity. There exists a common interest across the working class to (collectively) resist capitalist exploitation in the name of a democratic alternative that does away with exploitation altogether.
By contrast, capitalists are those who sit atop this process of exploitation and who surround themselves with layers of functionaries- managers, the judiciary, an apologetic media, the police, the army, etc-who act to ensure the continuation of the conditions of exploitation. However, while capitalists command the exploitation process, production for the market ensures that they, like workers, are alienated because they have no overall control over a system governed by blind, unplanned competition between rival capitals.
Though capitalism ensures that everyone is alienated, capitalists not only benefit from control over the exploitation process but also tend to experience this alienation as freedom and self-realization. Workers, by contrast, are exploited and tend to feel degraded by their experience of alienation.
These differences create an antagonistic relationship which means that capitalism is best understood not simply through class divisions (stratification) but more profoundly as a system of class struggle. Exploitation as a social process not only creates objective links between various workers as part of the collective laborer, but also creates an antagonistic relationship with the capitalists and those upon whom they depend for the smooth running of the system: those who the Russian Marxist Bukharin called—in a slightly different context—the "collective exploiter".
Once we recognize that class struggle rooted in exploitative relations is at the core of the capitalist system, we can see that workers have a unique power within capitalism. Because the system depends upon the exploitation of wage labor, workers have the potential power to bring it down.
Why the working class?
This is why Marxists argue that anti-capitalists should orientate towards the working class. We have no illusions about workers being angels, but we do recognize that they have the strategic power to turn off the flow of profits. And it is the emergence of this collective labor that creates the potential for the producers to replace alienated market relations with democratic control over the production and distribution of the social surplus: socialism.
While refusing to romanticize workers, we nevertheless recognize that in order to develop the collective organizations necessary to resist and ultimately defeat capitalism they must overcome the divisions within their ranks. They must struggle for solidarity to overcome not only the various forms of stratification noted above, but also those numerous divisions along lines of oppression—racism, sexism, homophobia, etc—by means of which the working class is often divided against itself.
Whereas contemporary cultural theorists tend, like sociologists of class, to fixate on the differences between various oppressed groups, once we recognize that all members of these groups are in fact integrated one way or another into the capitalist process of exploitation, we can begin to see a basis for universal liberation.
By contrast with those who conceive oppression merely as difference, our argument that the working class includes all those who are related to the (broadly conceived) process of exploitation allows us to grasp how it includes not merely workers of various types, but also workers from every oppressed group alongside the "reserve army" of the unemployed and those unwaged laborers who by staying at home with children, for example, help reproduce the workforce.
From this perspective it is clear that workers' solidarity can only be won by constantly challenging all those forms of oppression that divide these various groups against each other. This is why Lenin insisted that socialists should act not merely as trade union secretaries but rather as "tribunes of the oppressed". It is also why Marx called the modern working class the "universal class". He recognized that for workers to win their freedom they must struggle collectively for real democracy, and because he understood class in a broad sense he recognized that, though workers' "self-emancipation" must be won in struggle against the capitalist class, it could only be won through the general emancipation of humanity.
The return of resistance
Finally, if the possibility of a socialist alternative to capitalism is rooted in those daily forms of solidarity practiced by the collective laborer, it is in large part because the workers' movement has been in retreat since the 1980s that this image of an alternative to capitalism has gone out of favor.
The return of mass strikes from Egypt, to Greece, to Britain creates the potential for turning this situation round. Anti-capitalists can help this process by making links with the workers' movement, and hopefully this article has given some sense of why they should: workers solidarity has the potential not only to bring capitalism down but also to replace it with a democratic socialist alternative.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Misleading Masses

          A king who did not believe in the goodness of God, had a slave who, in all circumstances, said: My king, do not be discouraged, because everything God does is perfect, no mistakes!

One day they went hunting and along the way a wild animal attacked the king. His slave managed to kill the animal, but could not prevent his majesty losing a finger.

Furious and without showing his gratitude for being saved, the nobleman said "Is God good? If He was good, I would not have been attacked and lost my finger."

The slave replied only "My king, despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good, and he knows the "why" of all these things.What God does is perfect. He is never wrong!"

Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his slave.  Later, he left for another hunt and was captured by savages who made human sacrifices.

In the altar, ready to sacrifice the noble savage had found that the victim had not one of his fingers, was released. According to them: it was not so complete to be offered to the gods.

Upon his return to the palace, he authorized the release of his slave that he received very affectionately.

- My dear, God was really good for me! I was almost killed by the wild men, but for lack of a single finger, I was let go! But I have a question: If God is so good, why did he allow me to put you in jail?

- My King, if I had gone with you in this hunt, I 'would have been sacrificed for you, because I have no missing finger.

Therefore, remember: everything God does is perfect. IT is never wrong  Often we complain about life and things that happen to us apparently negative,  forgetting that nothing is random and that everything has a purpose.

Ask God to inspire your thoughts, guide your actions, to ease your feelings. And do not be afraid. God is never wrong!

 HE never makes mistakes....... God is never wrong!
             This is one story to make people believe in HIM and leave every thing at the mercy of a non - existent entity ,so that man never look for real time solutions and the exploiters continue to do their dirty job in name of GODLY designed fate .All things beyond human understanding with complexities of evolutionary nature ,every phenomenon that kills en-mass and the power of homo-sapiens to think ,to love and to posses / accumulate out of greed has in-built need to deceive and what better than creating an all powerful structure for exploitation .
               There are thousands of such stories to mislead and misguide , beware friends .

On Reservation

       When one is at the top of a social or economic ladder , the vision gets distorted and you are bound to see the issue as small compared to it's original dimension . Positive discrimination to uplift the dis-advantaged is a welcome policy for every state which wish to project it-self as a welfare organ of governance .Indian Constitution is designed with certain goals through Directive Principles and of them is the objective of elevating the down trodden section of society . Accordingly the state incorporated - a policy of providing reservations to people coming from Scheduled Castes and Tribes in employment in Government jobs.This however could not fulfill the desired needs of an emerging economy .On the contrary this policy created divide amongst those placed higher in social structure and those who were being benefited by the policy , more over it offered an opportunity to political class to use this as a means of building vote - banks .Reservation was initially introduced for a certain time - to be extended further , if the objective is lagging but , it turned into a situation - when the rulers are put on a tiger's back .The moment you dismount the tiger - tiger will eat you up .Further ,those who tasted power out of this policy felt that if another section is provided a similar advantage ,they will be able to create another vote-bank to either solidify their grip to power or to counter one section with another .What-ever,
this fair intentions of  constitution framers is watered down by power greedy politicos , as the policy created a large inefficient machinery which can move only through the grease of corruption .
       Now we are at the cross-roads of destiny ,continue with a faulty policy or repair it ,so that the country may leap ahead into the trajectory which will take us into a developed nation , stage .The two Czars of  Indian I.T.industry , Mr Narayan Murthy and Mr.Azim Premji spoke against reservation and raised the issue of compromising efficacy .This leaves us with two well spelt posers : one , do we still need reservation and is it causing inefficiency . Both aspects are equally important : firstly - yes we still need reservations but with necessary corrections like : the families of those STs ,SCs & OBCs who are well placed already need not be provided with this benefit , Govt. must provide proper schooling to all those who it desires to cover under this privilege along with hostel facilities and lastly the reservation entitlement must be on the basis of economic positioning and not on caste ,as is now .Secondly ,efficacy must not be compromised  and for that reserve jobs only at the lowest level of it's machinery and no further ,sure it could continue to increase wages through a time scale .May good governance prevail with a true sense of uplift of those left behind . 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

FDI In Retail Sector - Existing Situation

         There is however another angle to this FDI thing in retail sector :the existing scenario is that the whole-sale traders procure food from farmers at a very cheap price and not only pass it on to retailers at their own determined price but a...lso hoard the food stuff to be released at exorbitant price when the supply decreases. At times, particularly when the crop is bumper farmers are forced to throw it on roads as the transportation cost is not redeemable at other times even picking up of the crop gets nonviable economically .The 1st picture is of potato cultivation in central UP and the 2nd reality is with tomato farming .More over the traders form syndicate to exploit consumers by artificial hike in prices as is happening now and our stupid ministers are stating that the high inflation in food items is due to increased demand as people are getting more money out of growth in Indian economy ,ignoring the fact that the growth they are talking of is only for a fraction of the population - for the rest it's job-less growth . To top it all we have those vested interests represented by central minister for lobbying for sugar and onion monopolists.                                                                                                                              The perceived threat is that big multinational players like Walmart ,Tesco and Carefour will eat up neighborhood retailers and once they establish their monopoly they will sell the goods at sky-high prices ,thus consumers will not be benefited , farm produce will be snatched away at throw away returns to farmers and 4o million small shopkeepers will be thrown out of job . 
Assumptions and presumptions are not wise man's way of taking up issues ,yes politicos have their compulsions of vote bank , but it is wrongly assessed since this 40 million is the one which has a money to invest in business and they are always free to switch over to some other business activity in case their present KIRANA  store thing is turning unprofitable as they did when these people shifted from photocopying to STD booths and to recharge vouchers for mobiles and even selling of mobile phones ,after-all they are enterprising - aren't they .
It is beyond any doubt that consumers will be benefited by way of quality and economy and by whatever mathematical calculation 40 million is too small a figure compared to 1.20 billion .Lets us also not forget that the arm-twisting days of Raj era has long passed its nightmarish life span ,they need our market as we need their money .One caution is there and it could be a Red Flag for those in power : don't let them violate the law of the land and ensure implementation of labor laws with a certainty of stringent punishment for any violation .The opening of these stores must not be restricted to cities with population of 10 lakhs and more as it could be a real game changer in employment market for educated youth .

Friday, November 18, 2011

On Revolution

1 . For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others. ~ Mandela

2 . The most heroic word in all languages is revolution. -E Debs

3 . Many a revolution started with the actions of a few. -W Marsalis

4 . The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall. -Che

5 . Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. -JFK

6 . Every generation needs a revolution. -Thomas Jefferson

7 . If the people understood the banking system, there would be a revolution tomorrow. ~Henry Ford

"The revolution is not a moment or a day, the revolution is a way of life." ~Tupac

8 . "Poverty is the mother of all revolutions." ~Steve Jobs

9 . Violence is man re-creating himself. ~Frantz Fanon

10 . I hate victims who respect their executioners. ~Jean-Paul Sartre

11 . Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay. ~Simone de Beauvoir

12 . Reform is for people who have government connections, revolution is for the people! ~Malcolm X

13 . A desire to resist oppression is implanted in the nature of man. ~Tacitus

14 . The king must die so that the country can live. ~Maximilien Robespierre

15 . All the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come: the revolution. ~Victor Hugo

16 . Tell the children the truth. ~Bob Marley

17 . Open your eyes, look within. Are you satisfied with the life you're living? ~Bob Marley

18 . Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds! ~Bob Marley

19 . Advance, and never halt. Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt blood. ~Khalil Gibran

20 . Fight the power that be. Fight the power. ~Spike Lee

21 . He that fights and runs away, May turn and fight another day; But he that is in battle slain, Will never rise to fight again. ~Tacitus

22 . War is a quarrel between rich thieves too cowardly to fight their own battle. ~Thomas Carlyle

23 . Older rich men declare war. But it is the poor youth that must fight and die. ~Herbert Hoover

24 . A conservative is a man who is too cowardly to fight and too fat to run. ~Elbert Hubbard

25 . A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight is a miserable creature. ~John Stuart Mill

26 . Those who live are those who fight. ~Victor Hugo

27 . When rich people fight wars with one another, poor people are the ones to die. ~Jean-Paul Sartre

28 . To survive it is often necessary to fight and to fight you have to dirty yourself. ~George Orwell

29 . History does nothing; it does not possess immense riches, it does not fight battles. It is men, real, living, who do all this. ~Karl Marx

30 . Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight. ~Bob Marley

31 . Better to fight for something than live for nothing. ~George S. Patton

32 . First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. ~Mohandas Gandhi

33 . It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. ~Mark Twain

34 . The only thing that comes to a sleeping man is dreams. Wake up! ~Tupac Shakur

35 . Revolution is not a one time event. ~Audre Lorde

36 . The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. ~Thomas Jefferson

37 . You cannot buy the Revolution. You cannot make the Revolution. You can only be the Revolution. ~Ursula K. Le Guin

38 . Revolution is impossible until it's inevitable. ~Leon Trotsky

39 . Standing up for your rights does not make you a radical, it makes you a human being. ~Tupac Shakur

40 . Revolutions are the locomotives of history. ~ Karl Marx

41 . I, for one, hope that youth will again revolt and again demoralize the dead weight of conformity that now lies upon us.~Howard Mumford Jones

42 . It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. ~Frederick Douglass

43 . The serious revolutionary, like the serious artist, can't afford to lead a sentimental or self-deceiving life. ~Adrienne Rich

44 . To tell the truth is revolutionary. ~Antonio Gramsci

45 . I think when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody. ~Barack Obama

46 . The more you can increase fear of drugs, welfare mothers, immigrants and aliens, the more you control all the people. ~Noam Chomsky

47 . The intellectual tradition is one of servility to power, and if I didn't betray it I'd be ashamed of myself.~Noam Chomsky

48 . If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all. ~Noam Chomsky

49 . If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. ~Noam Chomsky

50 . Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media. ~Noam Chomsky

51 . "Revolution is not an action, it is a process." Huey Newton

52 . We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it.- che

53 . We cannot be sure of having something to live for unless we are willing to die for it.- che

54 . I am not a liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves.- Che

55 . "Learning carries within itself certain dangers because out of necessity one has to learn from one's enemies" - Leon Trotsky

56 . Imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism" (Vladimir I Lenin)

57 . "Fascism is capitalism in decay" (Vladimir I Lenin)

58 . "Can a nation be free if it oppresses other nations? It cannot" (Vladimir I Lenin)

59 . "An Ounce of action is worth a ton of theory"(Friedrich Engels)

60 . Religions is the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people" (Karl Marx)

61 . "I think what motivates people is not great hate, but great love for other people" (Huey Newton)

62 . "I do not expect the white media to create positive black male images" (Huey Newton)

63 . "Any unarmed people are slaves, or are subject to slavery at any given moment" (Huey Newton)

64 . "Capitalism is a stupid system, a backward system" (Stokely Carmichael)

65 . "I know you are here to kill me. Shoot, coward, you are only going to kill a man" (Che Guevara)

66 . "I don't care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting" (Che Guevara)

68 . "We have no right to believe that freedom can be won without struggle" (Che Guevera)

69 . "Dont mourn, Organize" (Joe Hill - IWW Union Organizer, USA)

70 . The real revolution happened when people started using the internet to fight corruption and oppression. ~Mark Zuckerberg

71 . "Our freedom must be had at all hazards. If the men of property will not help us they must fall" Wolfe Tone

72 . "Insurrection is an art, and like all arts has its own laws" Leon Trotsky

73 . The desire to revolt against oppression is the highest desire there is. ~Tupac

74 . Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth. ~Jesus

75 . Tyrants have not yet discovered any chains that can fetter the mind.~Colton

76 . Revolution is the larva of civilization. ~Victor Hugo

77 . It is the old practice of despots to use a part of the people to keep the rest in order. ~Thomas Jefferson

78 . The common people suffer when the powerful disagree. ~Phaedrus

79 . The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it. ~John Hay

80 . Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. ~Thomas Jefferson

81 . One of the symptoms of revolution is the sudden increase in the number of ordinary people who take an active interest in politics. ~Lenin

82 . Revolutions are not made by men in spectacles.~Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

83 . Revolutions never go backwards. ~William Henry Steward

84 . Revolutionaries are like conquerors: they must go forward. The moment they are stopped they are lost. ~Wellington

85 . An oppressed people are authorized whenever they can to rise and break their fetters. ~Henry Clay

86 . To dare: that is the whole secret of revolutions.~Antoine Saint-Just

87 . A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves. ~Bertrand de Jouvenel

88 . Those who suppress freedom always do so in the name of law and order. ~John V. Lindsay

89 . The sin of silence when they should protest makes cowards of men. ~Abraham Lincoln

90 . Everything in a revolutionary is wholly absorbed in the single thought and the single passion for revolution. ~Nechaev

91 . Machines were, it may be said, the weapon employed by the capitalists to quell the revolt of specialized labor. ~Karl Marx

92 . If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter. ~George Washington

93 . Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. ~Abraham Lincoln

94 . When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

95 . We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

96 . "The revolution is not a moment or a day, the revolution is a way of life." ~Tupac

97 . Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

98 . Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

99 . I want to be the white man's brother, not his brother-in-law. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

100 . I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war. ~ Martin Luther King , Jr.

101 . I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

102 . "Poverty is the mother of all revolutions." ~Steve Jobs

103 . Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

104 . Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

105 . A riot is the language of the unheard. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

106 . A right delayed is a right denied. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

107 . A man who won't die for something is not fit to live. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

108 . A man can't ride your back unless it's bent. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

109 . Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains. ~Karl Marx

110 . The rich will do anything for the poor but get off their backs. ~Karl Marx

111 . If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal. ~Emma Goldman

112 . No real social change has ever been brought about without a revolution... revolution is thought carried into action. ~Emma Goldman

113 . You can kill a revolutionary but you can never kill the revolution. ~Fred Hampton

114 . You can jail a Revolutionary, but you can't jail the Revolution. ~Huey Newton

115 . The spirit of revolution will not die while the hearts of workers continue to beat. ~Ernst Toller

116 . The only way to support a revolution is to make your own. ~Abbie Hoffman

117 . I was born in revolution. ~Mary Harris Jones (Mother Jones)

118 . The job of the writer is to make revolution irresistible. ~Toni Cade Bambara

119 . Revolution begins with the self, in the self. ~Toni Cade Bambara

120 . We have not made the Revolution, the Revolution has made us. ~Georg Buchner

121 . Whoever finishes a revolution only halfway, digs his own grave. ~Georg Buchner

123 . A revolution is an act of violence whereby one class shatters the authority of another. ~James MacGregor Burns

124 . A great revolution in just one single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a society. ~Daisaku Ikeda

125 . Every revolution has its counterrevolution - that is a sign the revolution is for real. ~C. Wright Mills

126 . All civilization has from time to time become a thin crust over a volcano of revolution. ~Henry Ellis

127 . The main object of a revolution is the liberation of man... ~ Jean Genet

128 . Promise yourself to live your life as a revolution and not just a process of evolution. ~Anthony J. D'Angelo

129 . To love without role, without power plays, is revolution. ~Rita Mae Brown

130 . We used to think that revolutions are the cause of change. It is the other way around: change prepares the ground for revolution. ~Hoffer

131 . Reform is for people who have government connections, revolution is for the people! ~Malcolm X

132 . If you want to know the theory and methods of revolution, you must take part in revolution. ~Mao Tse-Tung

133 . A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery. ~Mao Tse-Tung

134 . The seed of revolution is repression. ~Woodrow Wilson

135 . No thieves, no traitors, no interventionists! This time the revolution is for real! ~Fidel Castro

136 . A revolution is not a bed of roses. ~Fidel Castro

137 . When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right. ~ Victor Hugo

138 . You cannot make a revolution with silk gloves. ~ Joseph Stalin

139 . Every time there's a revolution, it comes from somebody reading a book about revolution. ~Mike Tyson

140 . Those who do not move, do not notice their chains. ~Rosa Luxemburg

141 . The working classes in every country only learn to fight in the course of their struggles.~Rosa Luxemburg

142 . The masses are the decisive element, they are the rock on which the final victory of the revolution will be built. ~Rosa Luxemburg

143 . Capital is an historical necessity, but, so too, its grave digger, the socialist proletariat. ~Rosa Luxemburg

144 . Freedom is always the freedom of dissenters.~Rosa Luxemburg

145 . The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.~Vladimir Lenin

146 . The government is tottering. We must deal it the death blow an any cost. To delay action is the same as death.~Vladimir Lenin

147 . The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch the currency.~Vladimir Lenin

148 . Sometimes - history needs a push.~Vladimir Lenin

149 . Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as it was in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners. ~Vladimir Lenin

150 . Fascism is capitalism in decay. ~Vladimir Lenin

151 . Can a nation be free if it oppresses other nations? It cannot. ~Vladimir Lenin

152 . The privileged class can never be overturned peacefully. - Johann Most

153 . Above all, what socialist, without flushing with shame, maintains he is not a revolutionary? We say: none! ~ Johann Most

154 . When rich people fight wars with one another, poor people are the ones to die. ~Jean-Paul Sartre

155 . I think when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody. ~Barack Obama

156 . The desire to revolt against oppression is the highest desire there is. ~Tupac

157 . Give me liberty or give me death. - Patrick Henry

158 . How strangely will the Tools of a Tyrant pervert the plain Meaning of Words! - Samuel Adams

159 . Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks. - Karl Marx

160 . You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom. ~Malcolm X

161 . The Negro revolution is controlled by foxy white liberals, by the Government itself. ~Malcolm X

162 . Nonviolence is fine as long as it works. ~Malcolm X

163 . Power never takes a back step only in the face of more power. ~Malcolm X

164 . Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it. ~Malcolm X

165 . If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary.~Malcolm X

166 . It is easier to pass a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. ~Jesus Christ

167 . I don't even call it violence when it's in self defense; I call it intelligence. ~Malcolm X

168 . Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. ~Malcolm X

169 . A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. ~Malcolm X

170 . I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. ~ Thomas Jefferson

171 . He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it. Martin Luther King Jr.

172 . He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps perpetrate it. Martin Luther King Jr.

173 . Workers of the world you have nothing to lose but your chains nothing to gain but your freedom. Workers of the world unite. -Karl Marx

174 . Tomorrow the revolution will already 'raise itself with a rattle' and announce with fanfare, to your terror: I was, I am, I will be!" - Rosa

175 . “Many people say it is insane to resist the system, but actually, it is insane not to.” – Mumia Abu-Jamal

176 . "The basic law of capitalism is you or I, not both you and I." - Karl Liebknecht

177 . "History is the only true teacher, the revolution the best school for the proletariat." - Rosa Luxemburg

178 . Standing up for your rights does not make you a radical, it makes you a human being. ~Tupac Shakur

179 . Revolution today or financial fascism tomorrow! ~Unknown

180 . Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. -JFK

181 . Every generation needs a revolution. -Thomas Jefferson

182 . If the people understood the banking system, there would be a revolution tomorrow. ~Henry Ford

183 . You show me a capitalist, and I’ll show you a bloodsucker. Malcolm X

184 . Capitalist created GOD out of deceit and greed . ~ C.K. Pathak
185 . Proletariat must capture Govt., to defend it's class interest . ~ C.K.Pathak

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


      The moot cause is the system which we adopted at the dawn of our independence, Nehru might have been given an adjective of a great visionary , but he too failed in his vision in his tryst with destiny speech . The country chose for adult franchise without regard to the existing realities then ,which still prevail after six decade of our freedom. Our country was and is having many ethnicities and an amalgamation of  conflicting interest groups, what was needed at the time of getting an opportunity to govern a vast country ,rather a sub-continent with tremendous resources and a vast human potential to be developed into a grand force to meet aspirations of masses .Unfortunately we failed to en-cash upon the destined future ,which was in store ,most of our leaders being educated in west had no sense of freedom beyond the western views and a country with huge population ,negligible literacy ,high child mortality rate and above all an attitude of subject-hood due to earlier controls of monarchy ,followed by imperialist rule .The democracy ,we got into was totally devoid of the essential ingredients of democracy . Election every five years required funds by political parties and they could manages it only through use of discretionary powers vested in them in name of people's representatives to run day to day affairs of governance of the state .The servants soon turned into monstrous masters ,as people continued to look up to them for resolving their need for food ,water ,shelter .medical services ,education and what all not , but by then service orientation spirit evaporated  from those who were entrusted with that sanctimonious task. The people's system was hijacked by business corporates and today we are in a fix ,ANNA and the civil society pitted against the mighty politicos : demanding an authority to put a check on CORRUPTION , a phenomenon all too wide- spread in every walk of our life.
          Team Anna has an impeccable record but the way they are acting make them novices against their opponents , the demand is perfect and it concerns all but it lacks a planned execution .The difference between a crowd / gathering, which is inflating the ego of civil society member ,and an army which fights the enemy is : the former is not sure of it's objectives and the later is disciplined and equipped to its teeth for a planned victory over adversaries . At times the crusaders against corruption or should it be better to call them the proponents of Jan Lok-pal bill , behave even more childish than our charming prince ,PM in waiting .Often scenes are  on display around every nook and corner ,where a child insist for a particular chocolate and his / her parents trying to allure him with other things ,the child throws a tantrum and stick to his unjustified demand ,resulting in a smash . In any agitation you can't ever get all your demands met by the other party and so , intelligently you reach a compromise with some part of your charter of demand met . You then consolidate and in a due course launch another agitation with a fresh set of demands n the process goes on.
It is not at all advisable to kill the system ,no matter how corrupt it has turned into; the whole nation through the parliament of our country is appealing to ANNA  to give up his fast and he is adamant. This seems being fool-hardy ,you wear your spectacles and others their, you claim to raise the participatory democracy but with a vision all the rest get through your specs ; now this is certainly not democratic ,the basic principle on which our polity is based is majority rules and how could you ignore that the present govt. is democratically elected one  , what if it serves only corporates .
           The history of struggles clearly defines ,there must be a match between the strength of the organization and the stakes of the other side, here - the agitators are asking for the moon with zero organizational structure and the worst is they are expecting the beneficiaries of the spill from corrupt deals to design a law which will ensure that the culprit is hanged . The whole issue is being negated by pedantic approach . What if that parental smashing starts to bring things in order as it happened in case of another agitation a little while back ,entire gains made thus far will go down the drain, for this to be absorbed fully it is pertinent to grasp that those who are along side are the same people who would love to accept the bribe but will raise a hell when it's their chance to pay out.So , beloved ANNA ,YOUR LIFE IS PRECIOUS AND THE COUNTRY NEEDS YOU , haven't you declared your life is for the country ,then why be so insisting to heartless people ,sure they never wish you to live long but please think of rest of us and your motherland ; you have been my dost since long and thus it is important for giving now think politically ,give up your fast .build an organization and launch the total on onslaught when the general elections are to be held. The fears are it might get late , you have raised hopes and aspiration of people all across the country ,let your potential not be put at the alter of ego .
          At the root of decline in social values and rise in corruption is our electoral process which calls for huge amounts need in election after election by political parties ,where from they will get it but from illegal cuts and bribes by favours to corporates and brokers. Another fact is ,we have lot many laws but no will for their implementation ,take for example labor laws and labor courts ; they were conceived with of sole motive of providing quick relief to weakly positioned workers but what you see is that all labor disputes turn in long litigation - which turn frustrating .How could another law or  authority address or redress people's justified aspirations .Our system requires over-hauling and to begin with ,let the state fund election expenses , reduce the size of constituencies to be effectively  manageable and  two rounds of voting ,the winner and the runner of 1st round will contest the second and the final round to be true representative of people from that constituency . IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING THAT ALL POLITICAL PARTIES MUST BE MADE TO FULLY IMPLEMENT DEMOCRATIC FUNCTIONING WITHIN THE PARTY AND CANDIDATES FOR ANY ELECTION ARE DECLARED CONTESTANTS ONLY AFTER THEY GET ELECTED WITHIN THEIR PARTY .IT SURE WILL HAPPEN ,SOONER THE BETTER; PEACEFULLY - MORE THAN THE BEST .

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Agriculture The Most Neglected Sector

Infrastructure in agriculture is too weak but its not just infrastructure which needs n overhauling but the entire sector requires restructuring if the country really needs to leap forward into double digit growth phase,also if it needs to pass on the fruits to growth to the last man the planners must come up with revolutionary changes in the entire sector.

  Small land-holdings as a result of abolition of ZAMIDARI and generation change has added to increased stakeholders with increase in population .All this has made agricultural activity non now is the time to give this sector a corporate look by deployment of farm machinery and converting small farming plots into unified large chunks with share based distribution of the end profit.The work force thus released could then be put to organized associated agro- industries like cattle breeding,dairy ,honey combing ,fisheries ,horti .For better returns - storage capacity has to be built almost from the scratch. Those districts which are plagued with regular droughts and floods must be converted into industrial zones and by doing so ,the often witnessed clashes for land takeover could be productively put to an end.Increased capacity for irrigation will sure help in betterment of lives many many millions and lessen the pressures on cities which are challenged year after year ,with their limited , capacities to continuously absorb huge migration pouring in for search of jobs.

The Social Economics Of Human Enterprenuership

 The year 1991 will always be remembered in India as a sell out year ,when common man lost everything as a consequence of great conspiracy of the capitalist class.The disintegration of USSR and collapse of socialist block emboldened the people's enemies to declare death of Marx /Angels concept of a working class control on means of production and of a system devoid of all kind of exploitations of man by man ,out of sheer greed,built on the faulty premises of never ending growth and ever increasing  consumption.The free market proponents often forget the great melt downs of the past and the recent on going global recession which started in 2008 and seems to have entered a tunnel with no outlet .
         Phenomenal advancements in science and technology has not been able to wipe out mankind s need of food,shelter, clothing together with regular job to take care of his health ,education and recreational requirements for him to qualify as man.Thus we need a new economic order.

Demolishing Celebrity Worship Cult

The advancements in field of technology have been appropriated by a section, whose sole existence is based on exploitation of every living and non-living things, yet to be born life forms and still to be conceived inventions / discoveries - through continuous display of delusions for a better world ,a hallucinating and euphoric mirage to be chased by :all around - till we fall dead.Analyzing man's journey through the annals of history ,we find - when the true ,sincere ,laborious ,imaginative ,innovative and creative section was busy finding ways to face the every day challenges of living in inhospitable conditions which planet earth offered us ; this shrewd ,cunning,scheming ,lazy and wicked was designing ideas for robbing the society of all its achievements.
In a gradual but routine manner,concept after concepts were thrown before the society to lure it into a complex web :be it justice ,be it equality ,be it equity,be it freedom - every conceivable aspect was put on stake.By their grand design of deceit they succeeded in making us bite the bait and we were given into a system of governance,DEMOCRACY.High sounding description of this system went over-board ,of the people by the people and for the people ,what an impressive, attractive and seductive system on offer.But,the most prominent feature was neatly swept under that silken carpet :the system was for the rich to rob masses of their hard labor by deploying it for producing goods and services for the rich ,the poor could participate by casting their votes to choose from the pack of wolves - which one will eat their flesh and who among them will squeeze out blood from their life ,the down - trodden never got that free and fair opportunity to become his own master,the creator has been enslaved.
The game doesn't ends with enslavement ,rather it begins from here - what if this captive means of production realizes of this trap and begins to unite to fight for emancipation.Thus they built the divide :racial,communal ,regional and caste-tist and for this they needed super-humans ,not the real ones but those pseudo beings,quite brittle to handle any pressure but too galvanized and polished to draw innocent people towards them ,these celebrities act as spokes-person for the system.Such a dead soul could come from any sphere of life - movies ,sports ,literature.fine or performing arts ,education ,judiciary ,armed forces,science even social activity.One from the lot is made to sit on the tigers back to serve the cause of rich masters ,who would rarely like to get on that coveted seat .
To break the shackles of slavery ,it is thus very important to destroy this personality cult worship - around which ,this whole exploitative system revolves.Easier said than done ,it needs people who pledge to forgo pleasures - the system offers to divert any conscious opposition to their grandly built profit machine ;these volunteers will get into organizing people and at the same time exposing the game-plan of ruling classes.The power of people is supreme only if its not a flock of sheep instead a politically aware citizenry having an urge to know and to question.Once the initial work at the ground level is through then that secondary phase will begin which be prolonged,tiresome and frustrating since during this period expansion and consolidation will go hand in hand ; the final assault - has to be decisive keeping in mind a successful uprising is a revolution but a failed one is treason and revolt with serious consequences.This revolution against destroying cult of idolizing individuals will be undertaken by people ,those who have realized but, it will essentially through ballot ,gone are the days of bullet.This change is quite like conception ,once it sets in - deliverance is guaranteed ,timings will be guided through circumstances of that specific region.Finally man will get his due share ,not a hope but a belief .

Social Harmony And Economic Balancing


Mimum Wages In Uttar Pradesh

A long ignored question is , What must be minimum wages for the man standing last in the row ,the one who gets pinched every time inflation shoots up and further complicate life for this man on the lowest rung ,long waiting for his chance to climb up the social ladder .In every case ,no govt. has any  right to build growth on corpses of masses who sure have all entitlements, being a member of that same species – homo-sapiens  ,which has made great strides in evolutionary journey from naked ,flesh eating cave dwelling animal to modern day elite ; some even touching such heights that they could now smell only ozone.
How could we call a system of governance the ultimate if it has lot many posers yet to be answered.Growth is desire but at what cost and how, are the burning issues which should not be left to market forces ,whose sole motive is profit . The recent global crisis offered us some very important lessons , which we failed to take , yet again and continue to live in castles built in air – far from ground realities .How else ? the economist all over concluded the economic melt-down as a result of a greed of a few individuals and corporations – crony capitalism .Whatever , what ought not to be forgotten is – people can’t be kept in shackles for ever  and you can’t do without them .So if overthrow is to be avoided in some future ,it will be better to ensure the minimum to all ,to justify each his human dignity.
Sirs / Mams , the govt. of Uttar-Pradesh has proposed minimum wages for unskilled worker as Rs.4500 /- , Rs5100 /- for semiskilled and Rs.5700 /- per month through a notification no.741 / 36-3-2011 on 30th June 2011 ; it called for suggestions and objections . In such cases ,Uttar- Pradesh Govt. has lawfully constituted a Minimum Wage Advisory Board  in which govt. ,worker and employer  representatives are present .It is most unfortunate that no suggestions and opinions were sought from the board and straight away the above proposal was notified unilaterally.This certainly is blatant misuse of power by bureaucracy against the very spirit of democracy and thus deserve condemnation from all stake holders together with all other up-holders of democratic values.
Another sore is that 15th Labor Commission ,decades back set certain principles and standards for fixing of minimum wages but still those recommendation have not been taken into account and this proposal is there against the interests of workers and a poor offer is there to continue exploitation of working classes.Analyzing the standards set by 15th Labor Commission and time to time interpretation by the Honorable Supreme Court , the minimum wages for an un-skilled worker comes down to Rs.11054.90 per month.
Since past few years unprecedented price increase has been witnessed and the purchasing power of Rupee is eroding sharply and is almost negligible at present , in such circumstances ,the published rates for minimum wages is not only low but also insufficient .Even the adjoining state of Delhi has implemented Rs.6084 /- for unskilled ,Rs.6734 /- for semi-skilled and Rs.7410 /- for skilled worker in February 2011. Sometime back Central Govt. revised wages for its employees adopting recommendations of  6th Pay Commission and thereby  declared wages of class fourth employee way above Rs. 11000 /- per month.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


By transferring you, your boss seeks
to achieve something
which he cannot otherwise achieve
Are you scared of your transfer to a different State? Is transfer such an issue that compels you to surrender before your employer? Hey, but then … have you ever thought if your ‘boss’ is even authorized to issue a transfer order to you? In most of the cases, he is not. Actually.
And in spite of this, if you are transferred to a different State and you have reasons to believe that your transfer is not a bonafide exercise due to a valid administrative exigency but a motivated act of your boss, challenge your transfer order. Don’t just accept it like a goat.
How can you accept a most arbitrary, capricious and discriminatory order merely because your boss does not want to see your face in the office where he rules. Remember, your transfer from one place to another is always illegal and unjustified if it is punitive or malafide or an act of Unfair Labour Practice on the part of your boss for which you can sue him. Yes. You can get him prosecuted.
You must know that a transfer should always be a bonafide exercise due to valid administrative exigency. And when it becomes a motivated act of victimisation and is contrary to terms of your appointment letter, it is also in contravention of the rules.
Transfer: An Unfair Labour Practice: A transfer is malafide if it is made just under the guise of following management policy. Such action is deemed to be an Unfair Labour Practice. Hence, while dealing with a case of transfer, the Calcutta High Court in the case of Birendra Kumar Singh vs. Union of India and others, has held that:
“….there might be reasons, which might impel the Court to pierce the veil and discover the truth and infer malice in fact or mala fide. … In a case where there are materials from which the Court can infer malice or mala fide, if it appears to the Court that there are such malice or mala fide when allegations are made and materials are produced to form certain opinion, the Court has to make an endeavor to remove the curtain and pierce the veil and find out the truth. In order to do so, Court has every right to make an assessment of the matter placed before it and arrive at a conclusion even on facts. When the malice or mala fide sought to be covered under the grounds of administrative exigencies or executive reasons, there may not be any straight-cut evidence to establish malice or mala fide. In such circumstances, the Court is empowered to draw inference on the basis of the facts disclosed and materials produced before the Court and arrive at a conclusion, which according to its opinion may not be of much doubt and could be supported by justifiable reasons. The Court cannot shut its eyes and avoid its responsibility when materials are placed before it. It cannot refuse to activate itself, in a given circumstances, in order to find out the truth with a view to dispense justice. People come to the Court to seek justice. The party against whom allegations are made is expected to cover up its decision or action and dress it upon in a manner to give it a colour of justification. Whether the action is colourable has to be discovered by the Court on the basis of materials looking behind the apparent.”
In another judgment - G.Babu v. C.E.(PS & GL) and others, the Kerala High Court held that: “The basic question which has to be asked and answered as in the case of any other order made in exercise of administrative discretion is, whether the order of transfer is vitiated by mala fides, or abuse of power, or, though worded in innocuous terms, really camouflages, collateral or oblique purposes like unduly favouring one at the expense of another or is penalize or victimize or harass the concerned employee. The answer which Courts have given over the years has been that if such vitiating circumstances are shown to exist, the courts will step in, review the order of transfer and grant such relief as the justice of the cause demands.”
How does Standing Order help me: The model standing order – rules and regulations of a company – requires that where the transfer involves moving from one State to another such transfer shall take place, either with the consent of the employee or where there is specific provision to that effect in the letter of appointment.
Sometimes managements also transfer a workman after finding him guilty of some misconduct. In that case, the such transfer is in the nature of punishment which is never permissible under law. One must immediately challenge such a transfer.
It has been held by Madras High Court in the case of M.Sigamani Son of Munusamy vs. Management of Central Institute of Plastics Engineering and Technology, that the punishment of transfer could not have been validly inflicted by the management as it is not a punishment prescribed in the Model Standing Orders.
The Madras High Court in this case held that: “In the present case, from the impugned order, which has been extracted, it is apparent that the order of transfer has been passed as a measure of punishment. Since the penalty which can be imposed had been enumerated and transfer is not one of the penalties, it is obvious that the order passed by the Managing Director is not contemplated under the relevant rules governing the field and such an order cannot be sustained and in normal course, such an order is liable to be quashed.”
Similarly, the Kerala High Court in the case of P.Pushpakaran and Coir Board and another, held that: “The whole difficulty arises when under the cover of ordering a transfer, an employer seeks to achieve something which he cannot otherwise achieve. In such cases, the employees in distress seek the assistance of courts in their unequal contest with their employers. A transfer can uproot a family, cause irreparable harm to an employee and drive him into desperation. It is on account of this, that transfers when affected by way of punishment, though on the face of it may bear the insigne of innocence, are quashed by Courts.”
Your transfer is also illegal if you are singled out from among your colleagues or in case you are neither the senior most nor the junior most employee of your department. And if there are others (even if you are the senior most or the junior most) in your department who have not been transferred even once in their service, your transfer is again illegal and unjustified.
It has also to be seen that the place you are transferred has any requirement of any other similarly situated employee like you. Therefore, even if your management cites administrative reasons for your transfer, check it out if any employee at the place of your transfer had retired or left service requiring fresh posting at the place.

Another perspective


The year 1991 will always be remembered in India as a sell out year ,when common man lost everything as a consequence of great conspiracy of the capitalist class.The disintegration of USSR and collapse of socialist block emboldened the people's enemies to declare death of Marx /Angels concept of a working class control on means of production and of a system devoid of all kind of exploitations of man by man ,out of sheer greed,built on the faulty premises of never ending growth and ever increasing consumption.The free market proponents often forget the great melt downs of the past and the recent on going global recession which started in 2008 and seems to have entered a tunnel with no outlet .

Phenomenal advancements in science and technology has not been able to wipe out mankind s need of food,shelter, clothing together with regular job to take care of his health ,education and recreational requirements for him to qualify as man.Thus we need a new economic order.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


The idea is wrongly perceived , India at the dawn of independence adopted a mixed economy out of sheer compulsions of weak money position locally. Core sector needed huge funds and a long gestation ,for which the private capital was neither prepared nor willing and thus the public funds were deployed for necessary infra - structural development in coal,steel ,petroleum,power,transportation and what all not. But the real challenge came up when the developed west declined to lend that helping hand and as a result the then PM Mrs. Gandhi , riding high on her wave of popular slogan :GAREEBI - HATTAO , remove poverty - incorporated "socialist" in preamble of our constitution . During the course of nation's journey : private capital got into a nexus with politicians to build upon its base and a hand-full of corporate houses saw their wealth rising phenomenally , thus they just can't be exonerated of cronyism as done by the thought that crony socialism failed India.

So, obviously India never experienced socialism ,as socialism is and what happened it USSR must not be construed as decline or death of socialism .The fact remains that man is a social animal and is dependent on fellow beings with a desire to grow economically ,spiritually and socially .The time and again occurring cycles of recession in market economy is sure an indicator of inherent deficiencies in capitalist mode of growth which plans growth year after year with the sole motive of profit ,instead of social requirements and therefore it becomes much more important to address the weaknesses in the two divergent and conflicting paths. As it is ,life is dynamic and so are theories presented for advancement ,then why ? what is the hitch in creating new and fresh concepts - having best of both the worlds .THE NEW WORLD NEEDS : A NEW ECONOMIC ORDER .

Monday, July 4, 2011


Anna and Ramdev were silly to raise such a hue n cry for demanding all too powerful Lokpal and to recover black-money stacked away in foreign banks , it's like negotiating with thieves for framing a tough law - good enough to hang him.Just give this whole issue ,another look , that's what i propose , take up another view , when most are getting carried away by d cacophony raised against corruption without considering that the system itself is flawed n it itself breeds n nurses corruption because of huge electoral expenses it calls for from the contestants every five or less years ; to further aggravate the things v have a largest lot of illiterates n a wide spread poverty .So ,what v need today is to demand and pressurize the govt. for electoral reforms - where the state bears all expenses for electioneering and we need a long sustained movement for it instead of quick -fixes , what Anna n Ramdev went for .

The fundamentals of any struggle is to weigh your strengths and the burden of the demand , balance the two and you get battle ready ,failing this simple exercise, will sure doom the cause.Here we find a huge gap between the stake and the stance.Another requirement is to be decisive about when to move ahead or when you must retreat , still lost grounds cud be saved if the leaders of the movement could understand the difference between the period of moving forward and that of consolidation .No war is ever fought on childish display of emotions , it needs strategy and to have it right ,one must be battle hardened commander with a well equipped and disciplined force to face every eventuality .Tough job ahead ,will they be able to have it or will they be led into a trap, the way they have moved ; it's bleak.SORRY, BUT THAT'S WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE .


So , they are at it again and PM's statement is just one more addition to the designs of the ruling classes.We have so many institutions ,all working within our constitution and innumerable laws to provide effective governance but what the countrymen are experiencing is, as if the country is being run by a few for the benefit of the few and the citizens have just one role left for them - to cast their votes to either of the rogue candidate , he doesn't have a right to reject all if he feels so.By this the leaders get an opportunity to shout from the top of Himalyas :INDIA is the biggest democracy and at the same time they plug their ears to keep away from the shrilling noises of masses coming out of their sheer sufferings.Yes they all could rejoice it now but the only option before the country is to dump the system, now this could be through civilized way or it will turn into a bloody battle ,sooner or later and it needs to be reminded that time n tide wait for none .


On one hand the central govt. discredits civil society for not being the true voice of people and at the other end it's insensitive to the anger and frustration expressed by elected leader from Telangana region for creation of a separate state.Whatever be the problem of central govt. one thing is quite obvious ,they are incapable of acting and have built a culture of procrastination and further of rationalization - which sure is bad governance .

Creation of smaller states is not only beneficial for better delivery of services to the people but is also good for planning and administration.Such demands arise only because of regional and cultural aspirations together with strangulated growth . Why ? it can't be done ,what is the real impediment in states re-organization,center has to answer willingly or otherwise - after all , are we not a democratic country .

Friday, July 1, 2011


No more capturing countries and enslaving nations ,the things have changed a lot - it just need to install a puppet regime for exploiting the resourses of a country ,the recent examples are Iraq and Libiya .

Some facts about Gaddafi and Libya....
- Loans to Libyan citizens are given with NO interest.

- Students would get paid the average salary for the profession they are studying for.

- If you are unable to get employment the state would pay the full salary as if you were employed until you find employment.

- When you get married the couple gets an apartment or house for free from the Government.

- You could go to college anywhere in the world. The state pays 2,500 euros plus accommodation and car allowance.

- The cars are sold at factory cost.

- *Libya does not owe money, (not a cent) to anyone. No creditors.

- Free education and health care for all citizens.

- 25% of the population with a university degree.

- No beggars on the streets and nobody is homeless (until the recent bombing).

- Bread costs only $0.15 per loaf.

No wonder the US and other capitalist countries do not like Libya. Gaddafi would not consent to taking loans from IMF or World Bank at high interest rates. In other words Libya was INDEPENDENT! That is the real reason for the war in Libya! He may be a dictator, but that is not the US problem. Also Gaddafi called on all Oil producing countries NOT to accept payment for oil in USD or Euros. He recommended that oil get paid for in GOLD and that would have bankrupted just about every
Western Country as most of them do not have gold reserves to match the rate at which they print their useless currencies.

Remember the last time someone had the “NERVE” to make a similar statement was when Saddam Hoosein advised all Opec countries not to accept payment for oil in US Dollars. Well, we all know what happened to him . Yes, they HUNG HIM.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


" People sometime think as though the democracy in itself is a
certainty of a welfare state but,what is feared is a comfortable
delusion ".
Often,the perception of a governance system comprising people -adopted by the citizens for taking care of every need of the countrymen is a half baked conclusion.Devoid of it's mainframe structures,the most advanced system of governance is reduced to just another tool for exploitation in hands of the rulers .
The way spokes keep the wheel intact and in shape ,so does strong supportive institutions in a democracy required to have the desired deliveries to all it's people.Besides a constitution- which ensures people's participative involvement,it is of utmost importance to an independent election commission , a fair judiciary ,a free press ,an active civil society and a watch-dog to keep an eye on vast amount of funds the govt. in power spends regularly on various schemes for periodical scrutiny of how the people's money is being used and whether the rules laid down are being adhered to or not .COMPTROLLER AND AUDITOR GENERAL in our country is entrusted with the task of doing just that .
CAG has played as vital role by “encouraging for good governance through qualitative audit” The role of audit on a national basis is very important as transparency and accountability are to be established in different sectors of the country through it. The CAG makes sure that auditing of the spending of all public funds is done in such a way that it ensures the best possible use of limited resources to be delivered for maximum benefit to people.
The institution of the CAG has had a distinguished history in India. Its role since independence in public financial accountability and probity have been widely recognized and appreciated. The importance of CAG is easily understand by the following words of Baba Ambedkar “I am of the opinion that this dignitary or officer (C&AG) is probably the most important officer of the Constitution of India. He is the one man who is going to see that the expenses voted by parliament are not exceeded, or varied from what has been laid down by Parliament in what is called appropriation Act. If this functionary is to carry out the duties- and his duties, I submit are far more important than the duties than the duties of the Judiciary”.
CAG not only ensures the economic justice to all but looks into the social aspects that are concerned with it as well. There are various dynamic functions that the CAG has to deal with : -To prescribe, with the approval of president, the form in which the accounts of union and states are to be kept -To perform such duties and exercise such powers in relations to accounts of union or states or any other body , as many prescribed by any law made by parliament. -To report the president or governor of the state on the account of country or state.
Now a days a new demand is emerging out ,should CAG be given an additional role of looking into the affairs of other players in private sector too.Given it's track record - YES ,it sure must be assigned this new role ,the need of the hour has made it all the more urgent.How could it be forgotten ,Satyam's Raju episode - where a big manipulation came to the light ,crony capitalism has shown the world :given a window .corporates are too eager to deceive masses whether by design or through deceit.The recent disclosures of scams in 2G spectrum allocations and the hue and cry on swindled black money parked by Indians in foreign banks situated in tax heavens of Switzerland ,Mauritius etc. demands that the institution of comptroller and auditor general be further strengthened for even more efficient deliverance .

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Need For Changing The System

We made a choice at the dawn of our independence and Pandit Nehru's famous tryst with destiny under compulsions, where the national capital was not strong enough to shoulder the great responsibility of building the new born country.Thus mixed economy was thrust-ed upon us ,all core sector projects - which needed huge funds and long gestation ,were picked up by state capital and rest of the things were left for Indian business houses.

Thus the local capitalist flourished in connivance with state machinery which needed vast sums of money for funding electoral process every five years , so it was bound to result in creation of parallel economy for which mind boggling figures, now being around 1400 billion US Dollars.It seems we have successfully created black economy ,far too large for even the state to compete or control and the credit for building such a unique model must be given to our high entrepreneurial skills along with resourceful politicians.a few seconds ago .

The fate of a billion plus people of this country must not be left to market forces ,whose sole motif is profiteering ,the people of this country sure need a better life - at least a life which could be humanitarian if not dignified.So ,far we have seen the other side of the coin with a blurred vision and now it is getting imperative to mend the mess and to do it timely or we stand a chance of missing the global advantage at our doorsteps.The country's ills will worsen every day ,till we do not formulate a new economic ,social and political order and socialism has the answer to most of our curses .


Dear RamDev ji,

This is to request u to kindly not make an identical mistake of falling upon these NGOs who work more for funds then for the cause.World social forum at Mumbai removed that haze that these people are selfless volunteers.The second pit is : ignoring that this time you will be dealing with scoundrels at their worst game of politics and you sure deserve applaud for raising such a sensitive cause and it seems that you are not attached to any political groupings - which is good but to denounce politics will be your biggest folly.You being a yoga healer must remember that poison is the cure for poisoning and diseases due to life-style are cured only through change of life-style. During the course of your Satyagrah - be bold to continuously release your agenda for building a new system and concrete steps for bringing back our funds stacked abroad. We ,the people ,the common man on street has been cheated too often ,so withdraw your agitation right now but for the sake of this common man - don't ever ditch the movement .The moment of nations journey has brought you to this glorified stage ,either way you will go to the pages of history but few only ever get such an opportunity - may it be emphasized that you don't have to leave the scene till the task of building a new order is not completed and the 1st step in this direction will be keeping existing political forces out of parliament .

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pakistan's nuclear / terror /intelligence - Business Model

The world always thought that Pakistan, an industrially backward third world country is best only to serve as a tool for keeping an eye on their arch ideological rival, erstwhile USSR and the growing threat in potential adversary - China . The west for long considered Pakistan to counter Indian ambitions of recognition at international forum and perhaps created it for such objectives and therefore let the Kashmir issue remain on low flame burner all through the times of world war fall outs ,the major being - leaving a large colony to its people for them to manage their affairs.

Astonishingly and beyond the wits of the west, Pakistan outsmarted its mentors by coming up with a unique industry with a different set of business model ,never ever thought of in the entire history of human development.Now the industry of terror is a full fledged tree to bear fruits which the country is reaping to its fullest. What every body else write off as a failed state ,is in fact a secured and flourishing economy.Today they enjoy complete insulation from any kind of threat from its giant neighbors ,even when it attacks the parliament of one with which they have territorial dispute.U.S. presence ensures that India doesn't retaliate ,no matter what dirty tactics Pakistan employs .It gets billions of dollars to keep the terror set -up fighting fit and highly sophisticated arms at no down payment.Their best steal is nuclear weapons and its technology, icing on the cake .

Monday, May 23, 2011


Indian army has no political constituency to feed unlike Pakistan army which enjoys a large chunk of the cake the country receives as alms form U.S. ,who is totally mistaken in cultivating Pakistan - the very core which train and breed terror.Iran could be a better choice at the moment if Americans are real serious to get success in their war on terror.All peace initiatives by Indian govt. with Pakistan will go down the drain as long the army their has its own broth to cook ,so as keep virtual controls over a country which is paying heavy price for adopting a faulty policy of resurrecting Islamic Caliphate through proxy war unleashed on the world by open and clandestine support to non state forces.


The ministry and the Air India administration must be penalized for all the losses incurred due to this strike of pilots who were merely demanding negotiations across the table to discuss their demands, but the adamant of bosses in the aviation business ,so crucial to the nation, cost the country heavily in terms of not only money but also the inconvenience to air passengers - this is how these idiots make an industry sick and later blame the unions for every wrong .Some vested zealots in the media went to the extent of advising closure and sell out of AIR INDIA, so that their masters could have a free hand to exploits.Here we have a lesson for all administrator across the industries to just not close doors of negotiations ,which is the only reasonable way of resolving disputes. SURPRISINGLY,the fools occupying the seats in governing bodies either not realize it or are too dumb to understand : TRADE - UNIONS need trade to survive for them to run the union.


This incident brings us to another point which attracted quite a lot of coverage in press and electronic media :creation of another authority - Lokpal or Janlokpal as civil society would love to call.Supreme Court is empowered enough to tackle cases of corruption at high places and lets not forget this highest judicial body's words are law into its self.

What is still worrying is that around 360 members in our parliament are crore patis and its there, they can change laws which adversely affect the high and mighty ,crony capitalists .So,what is needed is to build pressures for electoral funding so that good people could be sent in the parliament to truly look after people's interests.Civil society ,NGOs and the kind are only for cosmetic changes, without fighting for building a system where the root cause responsible for spreading a culture of corruption is eradicated - we must not expect a free and fair society and this could be achieved only through the people of this country and not by those who acquire funds from dubious sources.


This news that Osama -Bin-Laden has been killed near Islamabad is the most interesting story of the decade. Pakistan is a front state in America's war against terror and there you have the most wanted and dreaded terrorist getting killed in close proximity of the national capital of the Allie country. Do we have the most dreaded secret of recent American wars buried awaiting to be unearthed or is U.S. administration a big fool which couldn't read wall writings in bold capitals all along the war in Afghanistan.Any which way,the taxpayers ,those who lost their sons and daughters in a least called for war ; the people of world also deserve a reply as to why the whole world was misled.Expansionist imperialism at it worst could be one of the possibilities in this entire melodrama.
The intentions are not to replay an oft repeated Indian sound track , which, close to pray - to the Uncle Sam for pulling up a mischievous younger sibling who is hell bent upon breaking all rules ever laid by any civilized society.

It has become utmost urgent that even if now at this crucial hour a scientific and calculated risk is not taken ,the world will miss an opportunity to prevent a nuclear holocaust by some non state actors.The weapons of mass destruction remain un secured in Pakistan and the recent attack on naval base in Karanchi has further embolden terrorists in our neighborhood .


RED SALUTE TO THE MARTYRS OF Chicago , it's a day - workers pay homage to all those who laid down their lives demanding rights to working class , so that we too could lead a dignified life of a humans. Capitalist system to which our government adheres - in violation of the preamble of our constitution,sovereign socialist democratic republic. PAUSE 4 A MOMENT AND PONDER : HAVE WE BEEN ABLE TO DEFEND THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF our brethren . Today is the hour when the workers assemble and analyze - gains and losses of the year gone by and further formulate new action plan for achieving their emancipation of this exploited class . THE IRONY IS WE HAVE GOVTS. SWEARING IN IN NAME OF OUR CONSTITUTION BUT COULD OUR LEARNED P.M. OR OUR DISTRESSED DAMSEL TELL THE COUNTRYMEN : WHERE IN INDIA ALL LABOR LAWS ,IN ANY ONE DISTRICT ; OK LEAVE IT 4 A MOMENT - LET THEM SAY OF ANY ONE LABOR LAW WHICH AS CUSTODIANS OF OUR CONSTITUTION ,THEY CAN OR WILL IMPLEMENT THROUGH OUT THE COUNTRY. NOW IS THE TIME TO WAKE-UP TO A CLARION CALL - IF NOT YOU SOMEONE ELSE WILL FILL THE SPACE .PEOPLE R FED-UP WITH DIS OUT DATED SYSTEM WHICH IS DECAYING. EIGHT HOURS WORK DAY IS THE BASIS ON WHICH YOU GET YOUR MONTHLY SALARY OR YOUR DAILY WAGE ; ANY MORE WORK DESERVES OVER TIME PAYMENT WHICH IS DOUBLE THE RATES OF YOUR WAGES.Its your matter,your money ,so never let wolves get mingled

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Elections And Beyond

Some of the learned souls feel that their perception must be accepted by all but let us not forget, every individual has a right to differ and have his or her own point of view. An intellectual went to the extent of importing leader for running Bengal,another gentleman consider uprooting of Nano as insignificant ,a few felt that Marxism is now irrelevant and there are those who seem confused.One thing can be stated with certainty : if and when the fight is there one will come out as a winner, second fact also perhaps couldn't be denied :when your house gets dirty you alone will have to clean it ,but you dust it ,you broom it or you wash it you would never erase it.As regards Nano debacle it needs to be set on record - after empowering the rural folks through land redistribution this was an attempt to industrialize the state of Bengal and this could have built a model where the industry owners comply with the law of our land ; this entire thing is still important because the state govt. taking up power will have to resolve it at priority .There seems a lot of confusion on what Marxism is ,at times it gets too complex for ordinary people to grab the gist of it ,hence without getting into the intricacies of that philosophy - we can see it as a people oriented way of governance whereas,the other extreme wants to benefit a handful of capitalist.The people of Bengal knew their good and bad ,so - 13th MAY HAS ----------- ALL THE ANSWERS.
No, not this time, nor at another time in future; there won't be change of government in Bengal in-spite of the fact that the imperialists want it,the capitalist want it ,the naxals want it and the media wants it. there is a historical reason for CPM and the left to continue in power :Bengal thinks far ahead of the rest of the country and its for this reason the people of Bengal knowif the left is defeated from there state there will not remain any force in the parliament to raise people's issues and the voice of common man will be strangulated , there will be none to defend their very own rights - whether on labour related matters of defending the country's sovereignty but for the mistakes appropriate punishment will be there which is not sentencing to death for omissions. Casting of vote alone is not enough, whether it has been done in true interest or not of the people and the country.And for this one has to be politically literate , quite above caste or creed / religion or region and wave .AS SUCH WE LIVE IN A CAPITALIST DEMOCRACY ,WHICH HAS ALL VOTE SWINGS PREORDAINED.