The moot cause is the system which we adopted at the dawn of our independence, Nehru might have been given an adjective of a great visionary , but he too failed in his vision in his tryst with destiny speech . The country chose for adult franchise without regard to the existing realities then ,which still prevail after six decade of our freedom. Our country was and is having many ethnicities and an amalgamation of conflicting interest groups, what was needed at the time of getting an opportunity to govern a vast country ,rather a sub-continent with tremendous resources and a vast human potential to be developed into a grand force to meet aspirations of masses .Unfortunately we failed to en-cash upon the destined future ,which was in store ,most of our leaders being educated in west had no sense of freedom beyond the western views and a country with huge population ,negligible literacy ,high child mortality rate and above all an attitude of subject-hood due to earlier controls of monarchy ,followed by imperialist rule .The democracy ,we got into was totally devoid of the essential ingredients of democracy . Election every five years required funds by political parties and they could manages it only through use of discretionary powers vested in them in name of people's representatives to run day to day affairs of governance of the state .The servants soon turned into monstrous masters ,as people continued to look up to them for resolving their need for food ,water ,shelter .medical services ,education and what all not , but by then service orientation spirit evaporated from those who were entrusted with that sanctimonious task. The people's system was hijacked by business corporates and today we are in a fix ,ANNA and the civil society pitted against the mighty politicos : demanding an authority to put a check on CORRUPTION , a phenomenon all too wide- spread in every walk of our life.
Team Anna has an impeccable record but the way they are acting make them novices against their opponents , the demand is perfect and it concerns all but it lacks a planned execution .The difference between a crowd / gathering, which is inflating the ego of civil society member ,and an army which fights the enemy is : the former is not sure of it's objectives and the later is disciplined and equipped to its teeth for a planned victory over adversaries . At times the crusaders against corruption or should it be better to call them the proponents of Jan Lok-pal bill , behave even more childish than our charming prince ,PM in waiting .Often scenes are on display around every nook and corner ,where a child insist for a particular chocolate and his / her parents trying to allure him with other things ,the child throws a tantrum and stick to his unjustified demand ,resulting in a smash . In any agitation you can't ever get all your demands met by the other party and so , intelligently you reach a compromise with some part of your charter of demand met . You then consolidate and in a due course launch another agitation with a fresh set of demands n the process goes on.
It is not at all advisable to kill the system ,no matter how corrupt it has turned into; the whole nation through the parliament of our country is appealing to ANNA to give up his fast and he is adamant. This seems being fool-hardy ,you wear your spectacles and others their, you claim to raise the participatory democracy but with a vision all the rest get through your specs ; now this is certainly not democratic ,the basic principle on which our polity is based is majority rules and how could you ignore that the present govt. is democratically elected one , what if it serves only corporates .
The history of struggles clearly defines ,there must be a match between the strength of the organization and the stakes of the other side, here - the agitators are asking for the moon with zero organizational structure and the worst is they are expecting the beneficiaries of the spill from corrupt deals to design a law which will ensure that the culprit is hanged . The whole issue is being negated by pedantic approach . What if that parental smashing starts to bring things in order as it happened in case of another agitation a little while back ,entire gains made thus far will go down the drain, for this to be absorbed fully it is pertinent to grasp that those who are along side are the same people who would love to accept the bribe but will raise a hell when it's their chance to pay out.So , beloved ANNA ,YOUR LIFE IS PRECIOUS AND THE COUNTRY NEEDS YOU , haven't you declared your life is for the country ,then why be so insisting to heartless people ,sure they never wish you to live long but please think of rest of us and your motherland ; you have been my dost since long and thus it is important for giving now think politically ,give up your fast .build an organization and launch the total on onslaught when the general elections are to be held. The fears are it might get late , you have raised hopes and aspiration of people all across the country ,let your potential not be put at the alter of ego .
At the root of decline in social values and rise in corruption is our electoral process which calls for huge amounts need in election after election by political parties ,where from they will get it but from illegal cuts and bribes by favours to corporates and brokers. Another fact is ,we have lot many laws but no will for their implementation ,take for example labor laws and labor courts ; they were conceived with of sole motive of providing quick relief to weakly positioned workers but what you see is that all labor disputes turn in long litigation - which turn frustrating .How could another law or authority address or redress people's justified aspirations .Our system requires over-hauling and to begin with ,let the state fund election expenses , reduce the size of constituencies to be effectively manageable and two rounds of voting ,the winner and the runner of 1st round will contest the second and the final round to be true representative of people from that constituency . IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING THAT ALL POLITICAL PARTIES MUST BE MADE TO FULLY IMPLEMENT DEMOCRATIC FUNCTIONING WITHIN THE PARTY AND CANDIDATES FOR ANY ELECTION ARE DECLARED CONTESTANTS ONLY AFTER THEY GET ELECTED WITHIN THEIR PARTY .IT SURE WILL HAPPEN ,SOONER THE BETTER; PEACEFULLY - MORE THAN THE BEST .
Team Anna has an impeccable record but the way they are acting make them novices against their opponents , the demand is perfect and it concerns all but it lacks a planned execution .The difference between a crowd / gathering, which is inflating the ego of civil society member ,and an army which fights the enemy is : the former is not sure of it's objectives and the later is disciplined and equipped to its teeth for a planned victory over adversaries . At times the crusaders against corruption or should it be better to call them the proponents of Jan Lok-pal bill , behave even more childish than our charming prince ,PM in waiting .Often scenes are on display around every nook and corner ,where a child insist for a particular chocolate and his / her parents trying to allure him with other things ,the child throws a tantrum and stick to his unjustified demand ,resulting in a smash . In any agitation you can't ever get all your demands met by the other party and so , intelligently you reach a compromise with some part of your charter of demand met . You then consolidate and in a due course launch another agitation with a fresh set of demands n the process goes on.
It is not at all advisable to kill the system ,no matter how corrupt it has turned into; the whole nation through the parliament of our country is appealing to ANNA to give up his fast and he is adamant. This seems being fool-hardy ,you wear your spectacles and others their, you claim to raise the participatory democracy but with a vision all the rest get through your specs ; now this is certainly not democratic ,the basic principle on which our polity is based is majority rules and how could you ignore that the present govt. is democratically elected one , what if it serves only corporates .
The history of struggles clearly defines ,there must be a match between the strength of the organization and the stakes of the other side, here - the agitators are asking for the moon with zero organizational structure and the worst is they are expecting the beneficiaries of the spill from corrupt deals to design a law which will ensure that the culprit is hanged . The whole issue is being negated by pedantic approach . What if that parental smashing starts to bring things in order as it happened in case of another agitation a little while back ,entire gains made thus far will go down the drain, for this to be absorbed fully it is pertinent to grasp that those who are along side are the same people who would love to accept the bribe but will raise a hell when it's their chance to pay out.So , beloved ANNA ,YOUR LIFE IS PRECIOUS AND THE COUNTRY NEEDS YOU , haven't you declared your life is for the country ,then why be so insisting to heartless people ,sure they never wish you to live long but please think of rest of us and your motherland ; you have been my dost since long and thus it is important for giving now think politically ,give up your fast .build an organization and launch the total on onslaught when the general elections are to be held. The fears are it might get late , you have raised hopes and aspiration of people all across the country ,let your potential not be put at the alter of ego .
At the root of decline in social values and rise in corruption is our electoral process which calls for huge amounts need in election after election by political parties ,where from they will get it but from illegal cuts and bribes by favours to corporates and brokers. Another fact is ,we have lot many laws but no will for their implementation ,take for example labor laws and labor courts ; they were conceived with of sole motive of providing quick relief to weakly positioned workers but what you see is that all labor disputes turn in long litigation - which turn frustrating .How could another law or authority address or redress people's justified aspirations .Our system requires over-hauling and to begin with ,let the state fund election expenses , reduce the size of constituencies to be effectively manageable and two rounds of voting ,the winner and the runner of 1st round will contest the second and the final round to be true representative of people from that constituency . IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING THAT ALL POLITICAL PARTIES MUST BE MADE TO FULLY IMPLEMENT DEMOCRATIC FUNCTIONING WITHIN THE PARTY AND CANDIDATES FOR ANY ELECTION ARE DECLARED CONTESTANTS ONLY AFTER THEY GET ELECTED WITHIN THEIR PARTY .IT SURE WILL HAPPEN ,SOONER THE BETTER; PEACEFULLY - MORE THAN THE BEST .