When GODS failed to create a perfect being, How could Jesus, Mohammad, Budha, Mahavira. Ram or Zoroaster have succeeded. Gandhi, Marx and Martin Luther King had no chance what-so-ever in this grand make over of the faulty creature on this planet, earth. Surprisingly in this mad mad world no dog eats another dog yet man is swallowing down the entire humanity without any satiety. The greed is on and the need has no means. To top it all, it is said to be the most advanced and highly evolved. To him / her all modern marvels are attributed. Be they skyscrapers, Vast Dams, supersonic modes for travel to unknown worlds or timeless communication devices. yes, he/she has done most doables, but will it ever be able to improve upon his ownself and is willing to take up the job of doing the utmost, one that will, at its own, take care of the rest; a weapon of mass destruction of greed – the human greed, the cause of all ills and evils. Talks of religiousity, spirituality and austerity are mere talks and talk is what ? What to talk : Nuclear free world, Environmental protection, hunger, unemployment, safe drinking water, Health issues, National and Racial chauvanism – innumerable subjects, eminent people engaged in endless rounds. Results ? Cipher. No wonder homo sapiens have reduced themselves to a peck of ever salivating wolves. It is perfectly O.K. to save for the rainy day but how, which is a scientific question, can it be called sensible, rational and logical if all are running out of breath for more and more. Thinkers have proclaimed life, to be a bubble not an empty dream, which gives no time to stand and stare the glories of nature in many facets day in and day out. Then why, which is a philosophical question, go for accumulations. And see where we stand as on date. The entire life of man has been bottled, earlier – in several stories Ginnie resided in a lamp or a bottle; once out of it , it was capable of doing all impossible things. The Ginnie is out and all things thought to be impossible are no more so and we find miracle like inventions and innovation around us. The irony is that man is entrapped in the bottle, in childhood it is the milk bottle, you grow up and in adolescence this turns into sweetened coloured liquid bottle, as soon as one starts earning he graduates to a bottle of whisky and in old age the man is solely dependent on Glucose bottle. The development reminds of a short story, perhaps a Russian, one, where an announcement is made : The area covered from sunrise to sunset will be given away as a prize to the one doing so. Huffing and puffing a man, out of his greed, ran nonstop and encompassed an area of several kilometers only to fall dead. He was later burried in a piece of land measuring barely thirty square feet. Visualize the sequence of things that will come in-to play supposing : every person become Gates, Tata or Ambani, all hell will break out. How will assorted, diverse and miscellaneous works in the society will be done, particularly menial sundry job which are all equally important. Precisely scavenging is as important as going to the moon. A peon is as much a must as an officer, or a Head of the country is only as much needed as a sepoy posted under unhabitable and hostile conditions away from his near and dear ones. Contemplate this from another angle so as to have a better and a clearer picture : Are physical, economical, social or cultural requirements of one can be far different from that of another, certainly basic requisites of every man are same. Now look for the answer to question earlier raised, why this greed ? Inspite of all sort of revolutions – industrial, social, technological and communication, man has always been incontinent with regard to his greed and enslaved the fellow-beings, the desire to rule over others and exploit could be traced to ages. No matter how much ignoble it might be. Slavery though has been banned under most constitutions, still it does exist in varring forms and call this neo-slavery if you wish – a modern day curse, a bane of modern day society. Are we ready ? To do away with this criminal instinct, you need to have a plan and consequently an Agenda of action. Here, will is of greatest import – without it the picture will continue to remain grim. Impromtu you can’t achieve any positive results, so all good thinking and concerning people must come together to make the cause not a issue but a movement, a mass movement, cutting across National boundaries and racial prejudices. It is even more important looking to the fact that money can get you a plush apartment in a posh locality but not the pleasure filled life; it can buy best of diamond jewellery but not bestow beauty, it may ensure books on various subjects but not the knowledge; of course, it certainly will buy delicious foods but not the hunger. The much sought riches can neither get a good health not a peaceful sleep. Then, what should be the approach to restore life, way strayed ? One , universal Recognition and acceptance of basic human needs. Two government should make social security mandatory, last but not the least to draw a line which puts upper ceiling on accumulation of money - thereby, bringing an effective check on the greed of man. This way will not only give impetus to the human growth in all spheres, but also at a rate which will be uprecedented in the entire evolutionary history of man kind on this earth. An accommodating, satisfying and an enjoyable life full of quality time for work and play. Accomplish this and man will be God in his own self. The true one.