is the money one gets after the job is done , it could be a piece-meal
work , a day's work , casual work , seasonal work , temporary work ,
contractual work or a permanent job . In a piece-meal work - the payment
is related to quantity of job assigned , daily wage earner gets his /
her day's payment on completion of that day's work . At a permanent work
place - at time certain odd job requirements arise and to meet this
requirement casual worker is employed his / her payment is calculated on
the no. of days worked he/she has put in . A seasonal worker is put to
job for seasonal nature of work as of ' PYAOO ' in Rail-Ways - his / her
payment is also on no. of days put in the job . A Probationer is the
one under observation for the given time frame and if found satisfactory
at his/her work is confirmed in the job
, the payment in this case is on monthly basis . Then we have our
permanent worker - who is paid on a monthly basis .
There seems a lot many things confusing this generation:be it social,economical,political,religious,cultural or for that matter educational; no clear picture is visible.It ends up in frustration and at times even untimely deaths - lives which could otherwise have been saved.The purpose is to engage in struggles for emancipation of down trodden masses and reorientation of people friendly policies and let new approach be probed to have fresh answers to questions arising every day.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
Capitalism and oppression are intricately linked. Sexism, as well as racism, able-ism, homophobia and all other oppressions, intersects with class oppression; therefore, in order to tackle any one of these oppressions we must also fight capitalism. This pattern can be traced to its development during the Neolithic revolution, and followed through to its continued existence as we see it in modern society.
Capitalism relies on the oppression of the majority to maintain the power of the minority, and oppression thrives in the economic and social inequalities created in a capitalist system.
We need socialism and a fight for every reform possible; measures that are vital for the immediate protection and emancipation of women. Violence against women, harmful societal attitudes, denial of education and many other forms of brutal gender discrimination must be fought against as rapidly and strongly as possible. However, there is only so much that social reforms can achieve.
Whilst we champion women’s liberation and join in with the struggle to end gender based oppression, the solution does not lie with bourgeois feminism, which simply advocates equality between the sexes at the top of society. Such an ideology does not help the majority of women, primarily through its ignorance of all other forms of oppression, allowing only a select few women to reach the higher echelons of society. Here, as bosses or bourgeois politicians, etc., they in turn can exert their own subjugation of women, often without realizing it. This is all capitalism can promise in terms of equality: the occasional chance for the oppressed to become the oppressor.
Full equality can only be reached with destruction of the source of oppression: capitalism. Socialism demands the equal treatment of all women: rich or poor; black or white; sick or trans. Social reforms must be matched with a planned economy to guarantee a society free of discrimination and subjugation for all, in the workplace, healthcare and the legal system, as well as online, on the streets and at home. Socialism has no need for oppression; if anything it would hinder a socialist economy, which would depend on and ensure the upholding of equal and fair treatment of all citizens.
As PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE - we must stand for equality for all and aim to fight every form of oppression as well as its roots in capitalism. Our aim should be to provide a safe place for discussion and the commitment to giving accurate scientific analysis of current issues and offer a socialist solution.
Capitalism and oppression are intricately linked. Sexism, as well as racism, able-ism, homophobia and all other oppressions, intersects with class oppression; therefore, in order to tackle any one of these oppressions we must also fight capitalism. This pattern can be traced to its development during the Neolithic revolution, and followed through to its continued existence as we see it in modern society.
Capitalism relies on the oppression of the majority to maintain the power of the minority, and oppression thrives in the economic and social inequalities created in a capitalist system.
We need socialism and a fight for every reform possible; measures that are vital for the immediate protection and emancipation of women. Violence against women, harmful societal attitudes, denial of education and many other forms of brutal gender discrimination must be fought against as rapidly and strongly as possible. However, there is only so much that social reforms can achieve.
Whilst we champion women’s liberation and join in with the struggle to end gender based oppression, the solution does not lie with bourgeois feminism, which simply advocates equality between the sexes at the top of society. Such an ideology does not help the majority of women, primarily through its ignorance of all other forms of oppression, allowing only a select few women to reach the higher echelons of society. Here, as bosses or bourgeois politicians, etc., they in turn can exert their own subjugation of women, often without realizing it. This is all capitalism can promise in terms of equality: the occasional chance for the oppressed to become the oppressor.
Full equality can only be reached with destruction of the source of oppression: capitalism. Socialism demands the equal treatment of all women: rich or poor; black or white; sick or trans. Social reforms must be matched with a planned economy to guarantee a society free of discrimination and subjugation for all, in the workplace, healthcare and the legal system, as well as online, on the streets and at home. Socialism has no need for oppression; if anything it would hinder a socialist economy, which would depend on and ensure the upholding of equal and fair treatment of all citizens.
As PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE - we must stand for equality for all and aim to fight every form of oppression as well as its roots in capitalism. Our aim should be to provide a safe place for discussion and the commitment to giving accurate scientific analysis of current issues and offer a socialist solution.
With socialism will come the end of all of the many forms of oppression used by the capitalist system, including that faced by women. A socialist society would have no need for the nuclear family, often at the forefront of the exploitation of women, necessary for the passing on of private property and the raising of the next generation of workers for the capitalist.
While capitalism relied upon strict gender roles, socialism would do away with this repressive pigeonholing of individuals. Relationships and families that do not conform to monogamous ideals (required by capitalism for tracking inheritance, reliant more on female monogamy than male monogamy of course) will be as accepted socially as those that do.
This will all be achieved through the guarantee of work for all, with the fair redistribution of working hours giving each worker more free time to spend as they choose, including to care for their family. Bias on the basis of sex, including the reluctance to employ or fairly pay a woman who the employer considers to be of “childbearing age”, would be prohibited. No worker should have to face any form of discrimination or oppression. This, along with equal maternity and paternity leave and an education system emphasising equality (including gender equality), would aid in fighting sexist attitudes on society, such as the expectation of women to be the maternal and caring child raisers and homemakers.
Universal free childcare is a simple solution to alleviating these expectations, allowing parents of all genders to be free to work while their children are safely looked after. In the current economic system, it is women who are saddled with the double burden of shorter working hours and lower wages than their male counterparts, leading to the “logical” conclusion that it is only fair for them to therefore make up this shortfall at home, cleaning, cooking, raising children to name just a few of the societal expectations. Women are also considered to be the natural caregivers, thus relatively expendable in the workplace, at the mercy of the capitalist.
There would also be complete reform of the many institutions with deeply ingrained oppression or discrimination against women. The legal system, with its infamous culture of victim blaming, harsher criminal sentences and such like against women, would become radicalized transformed, operating in the interests of the working class and not the interests of the bosses and those in power. The healthcare system would provide accurate, reliable and respectful care to women, informing them of all their reproductive choices without judgement or misinformation.
We cannot simply wash away the acutely institutionalized oppressive beliefs within society through gender quotas in boardrooms and “real beauty” campaigns from makeup giants. We must refuse to be pandered to by capitalist powers; it is only through a socialist economic system and the reforming of oppressive social views that we can achieve full equality.
With socialism will come the end of all of the many forms of oppression used by the capitalist system, including that faced by women. A socialist society would have no need for the nuclear family, often at the forefront of the exploitation of women, necessary for the passing on of private property and the raising of the next generation of workers for the capitalist.
While capitalism relied upon strict gender roles, socialism would do away with this repressive pigeonholing of individuals. Relationships and families that do not conform to monogamous ideals (required by capitalism for tracking inheritance, reliant more on female monogamy than male monogamy of course) will be as accepted socially as those that do.
This will all be achieved through the guarantee of work for all, with the fair redistribution of working hours giving each worker more free time to spend as they choose, including to care for their family. Bias on the basis of sex, including the reluctance to employ or fairly pay a woman who the employer considers to be of “childbearing age”, would be prohibited. No worker should have to face any form of discrimination or oppression. This, along with equal maternity and paternity leave and an education system emphasising equality (including gender equality), would aid in fighting sexist attitudes on society, such as the expectation of women to be the maternal and caring child raisers and homemakers.
Universal free childcare is a simple solution to alleviating these expectations, allowing parents of all genders to be free to work while their children are safely looked after. In the current economic system, it is women who are saddled with the double burden of shorter working hours and lower wages than their male counterparts, leading to the “logical” conclusion that it is only fair for them to therefore make up this shortfall at home, cleaning, cooking, raising children to name just a few of the societal expectations. Women are also considered to be the natural caregivers, thus relatively expendable in the workplace, at the mercy of the capitalist.
There would also be complete reform of the many institutions with deeply ingrained oppression or discrimination against women. The legal system, with its infamous culture of victim blaming, harsher criminal sentences and such like against women, would become radicalized transformed, operating in the interests of the working class and not the interests of the bosses and those in power. The healthcare system would provide accurate, reliable and respectful care to women, informing them of all their reproductive choices without judgement or misinformation.
We cannot simply wash away the acutely institutionalized oppressive beliefs within society through gender quotas in boardrooms and “real beauty” campaigns from makeup giants. We must refuse to be pandered to by capitalist powers; it is only through a socialist economic system and the reforming of oppressive social views that we can achieve full equality.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
The origins of women's oppression :
Despite being one of the most obvious questions to ask of any societal phenomenon, the question of the origin of women’s oppression is one which is rarely tackled seriously. It is of the utmost importance that we understand where this oppression comes from, as on this basis the link between class society and oppression of women becomes clear.
Women’s oppression is one of many forms of oppression – class, race, sexuality and obviously class oppression itself – that is created out of a society based upon the exploitation of the many for the profits of the few. With this understanding we can also develop ideas of how to fight women’s oppression. Clearly this involves fighting for every reform and raising the question of women’s rights; but the basis of women’s oppression also points to its place in the class struggle for socialism.
As documented in Engels’ Origin of the Family, the oppression and degradation of women is not ever present throughout the history of human beings. It is true that even in the first beginnings of humanity – a period referred to as ‘primitive communism’, as undeveloped conditions meant that tribes had to work together in order to just meet their basic needs, as there was no surplus to profit from – the work of men and women was split according to sex. For biological reasons women were required to look after children and hence their role in food production was based around gathering close to the home while men hunted further afield. However, despite the split in work, women were not viewed as inferior to men and their status was aided by the fact that families were traced through the mother line, since without marriage and fidelity as a social norm it was impossible to be certain of a child’s father.
The Neolithic revolution brought tools and the domesticity of animals which, for the first time in human history, allowed for not just basic needs to be met, but also for the creation of a surplus. The creation of surplus saw the beginnings of class society, as it was now possible for some men to sell their surplus for profit, creating distinctions between rich and poor. As some began to amass wealth they also bought slaves and paid other men to work on their land; here we see the first example of worker/landowner.
This process led to women being seen as inferior to men in society as it was within the work of men that profit was to be found. The creation of surplus also led to the creation of inheritance. The greater status of men meant that families were now traced through the male line, which necessitated the enforcement of female fidelity. Here we see the origins of marriage.
Female oppression began in the embryo of class society and as it has grown into the system of capitalism so too has the oppression of women become more complex and ingrained. To emancipate women we must overthrow the system that created and exploits our oppression.
The origins of women's oppression :
Despite being one of the most obvious questions to ask of any societal phenomenon, the question of the origin of women’s oppression is one which is rarely tackled seriously. It is of the utmost importance that we understand where this oppression comes from, as on this basis the link between class society and oppression of women becomes clear.
Women’s oppression is one of many forms of oppression – class, race, sexuality and obviously class oppression itself – that is created out of a society based upon the exploitation of the many for the profits of the few. With this understanding we can also develop ideas of how to fight women’s oppression. Clearly this involves fighting for every reform and raising the question of women’s rights; but the basis of women’s oppression also points to its place in the class struggle for socialism.
As documented in Engels’ Origin of the Family, the oppression and degradation of women is not ever present throughout the history of human beings. It is true that even in the first beginnings of humanity – a period referred to as ‘primitive communism’, as undeveloped conditions meant that tribes had to work together in order to just meet their basic needs, as there was no surplus to profit from – the work of men and women was split according to sex. For biological reasons women were required to look after children and hence their role in food production was based around gathering close to the home while men hunted further afield. However, despite the split in work, women were not viewed as inferior to men and their status was aided by the fact that families were traced through the mother line, since without marriage and fidelity as a social norm it was impossible to be certain of a child’s father.
The Neolithic revolution brought tools and the domesticity of animals which, for the first time in human history, allowed for not just basic needs to be met, but also for the creation of a surplus. The creation of surplus saw the beginnings of class society, as it was now possible for some men to sell their surplus for profit, creating distinctions between rich and poor. As some began to amass wealth they also bought slaves and paid other men to work on their land; here we see the first example of worker/landowner.
This process led to women being seen as inferior to men in society as it was within the work of men that profit was to be found. The creation of surplus also led to the creation of inheritance. The greater status of men meant that families were now traced through the male line, which necessitated the enforcement of female fidelity. Here we see the origins of marriage.
Female oppression began in the embryo of class society and as it has grown into the system of capitalism so too has the oppression of women become more complex and ingrained. To emancipate women we must overthrow the system that created and exploits our oppression.
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