Friday, September 13, 2013


Capitalism and oppression are intricately linked. Sexism, as well as racism, able-ism, homophobia and all other oppressions, intersects with class oppression; therefore, in order to tackle any one of these oppressions we must also fight capitalism. This pattern can be traced to its development during the Neolithic revolution, and followed through to its continued existence as we see it in modern society.

Capitalism relies on the oppression of the majority to maintain the power of the minority, and oppression thrives in the economic and social inequalities created in a capitalist system.

We need socialism and a fight for every reform possible; measures that are vital for the immediate protection and emancipation of women. Violence against women, harmful societal attitudes, denial of education and many other forms of brutal gender discrimination must be fought against as rapidly and strongly as possible. However, there is only so much that social reforms can achieve.

Whilst we champion women’s liberation and join in with the struggle to end gender based oppression, the solution does not lie with bourgeois feminism, which simply advocates equality between the sexes at the top of society. Such an ideology does not help the majority of women, primarily through its ignorance of all other forms of oppression, allowing only a select few women to reach the higher echelons of society. Here, as bosses or bourgeois politicians, etc., they in turn can exert their own subjugation of women, often without realizing it. This is all capitalism can promise in terms of equality: the occasional chance for the oppressed to become the oppressor.

Full equality can only be reached with destruction of the source of oppression: capitalism. Socialism demands the equal treatment of all women: rich or poor; black or white; sick or trans. Social reforms must be matched with a planned economy to guarantee a society free of discrimination and subjugation for all, in the workplace, healthcare and the legal system, as well as online, on the streets and at home. Socialism has no need for oppression; if anything it would hinder a socialist economy, which would depend on and ensure the upholding of equal and fair treatment of all citizens.

As PROGRESSIVE PEOPLE - we must stand for equality for all and aim to fight every form of oppression as well as its roots in capitalism. Our aim should be to provide a safe place for discussion and the commitment to giving accurate scientific analysis of current issues and offer a socialist solution.

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