We must learn to question the OFFICIAL VERSION OF EVERYTHING --
regardless of whether it is an "irrefutable historical fact", or whether
it is written in the scripture or any religion, or whether it is spoken
by a "great man", or whether it is a view upheld by famous editors and
television anchors. Everything must be held up to the clear light of
reason, and examined dispassionately.
In every situation of life, very powerful and influential people want you and me to believe in their version of the truth, and to refrain from ever questioning it. The version of truth that they so authoritatively speak is a manufactured truth, an "artificial truth". Usually, what leaders speak -- including religious leaders and leaders of communities -- is a partisan truth, a truth that suits their personal agendas and the agendas of their followers. There is always much that they don't want you to think about.
Such people often manufacture and own popular icons, as if they are trademarks. Such icons are held to be unquestionable -- for instance, mythical or historical figures like "Chhatrapati" Shivaji, "Babasaheb" Ambedkar, "Mahatma" Gandhi, "Shahid" Bhagatsingh, and "Prophet" Mohammad who were leaders in their times, but are now elevated to the status of unquestionable demigods. Such icons are foisted on the gullible public by people who seek unquestioned power, glory and wealth. Questioning their godly status may lead to violence or boycott.
It is our fundamental duty to question the people who foist these icons upon us and hide behind these icons. It is our duty to resist such efforts to control our behaviour and our mind. And it is our duty to refuse to be cowed down by violence -- physical or otherwise -- that is perpetrated if such historical characters are "insulted". Remember, dead persons cannot be insulted; they are dead and gone, and the works that they did -- whether great or otherwise -- is now part of our history.
We owe no debts to those who are dead and gone, irrespective of whether they were great or otherwise. If anything, we owe a debt to the weak, the meek and gullible, the indoctrinated and the oppressed who are still alive among us. We owe it to them, and to ourselves, to stand up against psychological and social bullying, and dare to understand the whole truth
In every situation of life, very powerful and influential people want you and me to believe in their version of the truth, and to refrain from ever questioning it. The version of truth that they so authoritatively speak is a manufactured truth, an "artificial truth". Usually, what leaders speak -- including religious leaders and leaders of communities -- is a partisan truth, a truth that suits their personal agendas and the agendas of their followers. There is always much that they don't want you to think about.
Such people often manufacture and own popular icons, as if they are trademarks. Such icons are held to be unquestionable -- for instance, mythical or historical figures like "Chhatrapati" Shivaji, "Babasaheb" Ambedkar, "Mahatma" Gandhi, "Shahid" Bhagatsingh, and "Prophet" Mohammad who were leaders in their times, but are now elevated to the status of unquestionable demigods. Such icons are foisted on the gullible public by people who seek unquestioned power, glory and wealth. Questioning their godly status may lead to violence or boycott.
It is our fundamental duty to question the people who foist these icons upon us and hide behind these icons. It is our duty to resist such efforts to control our behaviour and our mind. And it is our duty to refuse to be cowed down by violence -- physical or otherwise -- that is perpetrated if such historical characters are "insulted". Remember, dead persons cannot be insulted; they are dead and gone, and the works that they did -- whether great or otherwise -- is now part of our history.
We owe no debts to those who are dead and gone, irrespective of whether they were great or otherwise. If anything, we owe a debt to the weak, the meek and gullible, the indoctrinated and the oppressed who are still alive among us. We owe it to them, and to ourselves, to stand up against psychological and social bullying, and dare to understand the whole truth