Friday, October 18, 2013

What's Wrong With Our System :

The concept of real democracy is based on the premise that evolution emerges from the combined intelligence. When group of ordinary individuals having simple intelligence work together they evolve systems which are better than the system arrived by few most intelligent individuals using most advanced analytical tools. That how nature work and creates sophisticated system .in an study done by Stanford university scientists have found that a simple creature of nature like ant are able to develop more optimal route plan for transporting food grain from their catchment area than the route plan developed by most intelligent town planner of modern cities. In nature we can find many examples which prove that there is a limit to which analytical tools can help us to find solutions of our problems. Even the most sophisticated intelligent computers made by men cannot match the efficiency of the mind of a toddler in recognising the patterns and deriving meaning from these patterns

The solutions to most complex social problem need to be evolved from combined intelligence. We will never get solutions to our problems by design of few individuals. The cause of all our social problem lies in our failure to decipher this wisdom.

Human being has been trying to create a society by imposing a social order designed by self proclaimed most intelligent people. We have never permitted society to evolve its social structure based on common intelligence. when fate of majority is decided by few ,the system such evolved , will be highly inefficient and undesirable, the reason being when individuals make decisions they are influenced by their own self interest, preferences and prejudices but when group make decisions their individuality give way to larger whole. Larger the group better will be the decisions.

Democracy promises public participation in decision making which is essential for evolution of a just society but in existing form of democracy public contributions in decision making is nil. Decisions are being made by their representatives without taking in to consideration the views of the people they represent. In most of the cases even MP do not have freedom to make independent decisions, they have to follow instructions of high command. This form of democracy can never evolve a good society.

There is need to make fundamental changes in our system of governance, the existing party system is doing most damage to our political system, we need to find out alternative to party system of politics. May be we can think about a multi-layered government system in which no public Representatives represent more than 2000 members and people at one level of governance elect representatives at higher level. This indirect representation will result in very few people’s involvement in election at each level therefore avoiding the necessity for huge election expenditure. This will eliminate the dependence of elected representative on party fund, which is the main reason for political parties to indulge in corruption and to indulge policy formulation skewed in favour of corporate sector.

As every elected representative will be representing only 2000 people at any level he can have direct contact with all of them making it possible to understand the views, needs and necessities of the people they represent and at the same time he can very easily be held accountable for his decisions. People should have authority to remove their representatives at anytime when they fails to represent views of the people they represent by a simple process of impeachment with 2/3rd majority.

It should also be made mandatory for contesting election at higher level that candidate must have served at lower level So that only people with right track record can reach at higher level in the hierarchy of governance. This will eliminate the evil of criminalisation of politics.

Structural change in our politics giving opportunities to real public participation in decision making is only way to evolve a good society.

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